Stinger took Champ's and Tenshi's bodies to the Rebellion HQ. Right now there weren't any progress with the rebuilding nor the search for the Carina Kyutama since the Pyxis Kyutama still wasn't fully recharged.
Garu who wanted revenge for Champ was getting more and more impatient with each day, "Can we use the Pyxis Kyutama yet?!" He asked impatient.
"It looks like it will take a bit longer..." Spada answered him, "I can't wait!" he shouted, "We need to find the Carina Kyutama for Champ as well!"
"You won't get your treasure if you're impatient." Balance commented, "What?!", Garu shouted at him, "We already have the Puppis and Vela Kyutama. We can take our time." Balance said.
Garu didn't agree with him at all and jumped over the fence to stand in front of him, "What's with this lazy attitude?!" he shouted and pulled Balance up.
The others quickly rushed over to separate them, "I've put up with your attitude all this time! You need to shape up!"
They were finally able to push Garu away from Balance when the commander came in to end this argument.
"Don't get so worked up." he said.
"We have no choice but to take our time."
He showed everyone a black dome in the middle of the city, "What is that?" Lucky asked him.
"This area is covered in a dark dome. It's made of some light-blocking substance, so it's likely to be pitch dark inside."
"Pitch dark?"
"Can't get pumped up by that. I hate the dark." Balance shrugged with his shoulders, "But your eyes light up!" Garu shouted and tried to climb over the table to reach him but Spada and Lucky held him back.
"Actually, the Hikari Kyutama is scheduled to be delivered from the Rebellion HQ today." the commander commented and showed them a picture at the screen.
"I see. We'll use that to shine light upon the people, thus freeing them." Naga said, " I don't know if it lights up or not!" the commander told them.
Everyone feel over from his statement.
"Commander!" Raptor warned.
"But it must light up! It's called the Hikari Kyutama for a reason! Right, Raptor?", Spada turned around to face their pilot.
"I also don't know much about it. The only thing I was able to find out was that it uses the power of the sun and the moon but what exactly it does is also a mystery for me.", Raptor said while looking in his book.
"Well, let's hope it lights up. Kyulette the Chance!"
The commander rolled the Kyulette and out came the Kyutamas from Lucky, Garu, Hammy, Balance and Raptor."Talk about lucky! Now let's go.", Lucky said, "But the Hikari Kyutama isn't here yet." Naga commented.
"Right. So please go and investigate for now.I'll transport it when it arrives." the commander told them.
"Alright, let's deploy!" Garu said and was about to walk out when Balance stopped him.
"But, but from my analysis, the dome can't be destroyed from the outside. " Balance explained.
"Leave it to me!" Hammy said.
"Chameleon Ninja Art: Dirt Digging Technique!"
Inside the dark dome the Chameleon Voyager dug a hole to get inside the dome, when the team arrived everything around was dark.

Space Sentai Kyuranger x Male OC
FanfictionTenshi is a Cyborg who was found by Kyuranger and he is trying to find his identity.