~9 Bloody mess

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Endless chilly autumn day's past by, the both of us never spoke again, he always made sure to leave before me. Except for some classes, he'd really tried hard not to look at me while we where in class but there were sometimes I could catch his icy glances, staring intensely at me for a quick second and then snapping away like it didn't happen. He put an big afford in ignoring me for day, it's like his lifegoal at this point, never words and almost no eye contact between us. Whenever I tried talking to him, he would just act like he didn't hear me and when he got the chance he would vanish away like a weak boy. Same go's for dinner's at the great hall, always sitting far away from me or he would just skip the meals, and when I tried taking a seat closer to him, he would just run off. nine days of silence between the one and other past by, I'm done with his pathetic bullshit. I want my question to be answered, and well right now!

I'm in the great hall, eating dinner like always, when I noticed he wasn't around. Not only the pale haired boy was missing but also his hateful friends, and so I'm realising they're probably meeting up in the common room. And by that thought I left the great hall, walking, almost running over to the Slytherin portrait. 'Green juicy apple', I said and went hurriedly inside, catching up with the dark eyes of Zabini's. He's surrounded on the couch by his group of friends, but my eyes were only fixated on him. I walk straight towards the group of boy's who're sitting by the green tinted fireplace, I grab Zabini's tie tightly around my fingers and yank him towards me, his face froze in shock, hearing the boy's mumbling behind us.

"WHAT THE F-" Zabini tried to yell, but I hold him back from finishing his words.

"QUIET BLAISE! WHERE THE FUCK IS MALFOY?!" I scream in frustration, my flushed face screwed up in anger.

"Calm down you crazy bitch, he's in his dorm." He spats, his dark brown eyes fixed on mine, while trying to pull away from my firm grip.

"Don't you fucking call me that Zabini, you're even worse then him!" I roared angry, our steaming, raging faces being very dangerously close to each other.

"Draco, should've just left your disgusting body rotten onto the floor!" Zabini scoffs furiously, his violent breaths crossing over my face, making me even more angrier then I already am.

I let my strong hold go of his green satin tie, only to give him a hard punch before leaving the common room, my hand that's balled up into a tight white fist is going directly towards his crooked nose. I can hear his fragile nose cracking from under my knuckles but I didn't care, he roars loudly in pain, scolding nasty words to me. I quickly pull my hand that's now covered in his blood away, taking a look around me. Zabini's friends were staring surprised at me with their mouth's wide open, while himself had gone silent in pain, holding with his fingers onto his bloody nose firmly. Everyone around me is keeping them selves as quiet as possible, letting they're friend get hurt by me. Pathetic really.

"Don't you dare, insulting me once again because next time it won't be your nose that's bleeding out but your whole fucking body, do you understand me!" I yell behind me while walking over towards the boys dormitory's, my knuckles feeling a bitt sore after the strike. He deserved it, that's all that matters! I think to myself while stepping onto the stairs, of course Malfoy's room is the highest up.

I'm standing in the hallway in front of his dorm, I let out an relieved loud sigh before giving the door a soundful knock. I place my good hand onto the big wooden door, and without thinking twice. 'Knock-Knock', I'm biting nervously on my long nails waiting for a response, I can hear him walking over to the door and unlocking it. 'Klick', my heartbeats feeling like they're bouncing out of my chest, "don't panic now!" I whisper to myself. The squeaky big wooden door opens slowly, leaving a small slit with only Malfoy's pale face showing through from behind it.

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