3~ Headache

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( hii quick side note, this isn't my favourite chapter but it's a waste of time to just throw it away and it gets better I promise! Hope you still can enjoy it <3 )

I wake up early in the morning, around 6 am, suffering from a lack of sleep. I feel something beating very strongly in my head, the worst headache I've ever experienced in my whole life! I'm trying to get out of bed to go look for something against the continuously beating pain in my head, so I put on a black laced bralette and a pair of thin black shorts, throw the Slytherin rope around my stiff body and then left my dorm quickly. I went downstairs and searched through the common room quietly, looking for an non-magical medicine that would work for headaches like mine. I went through every drawer we had in the kitchen but still couldn't find anything useful, and by that I decided to go to the hospital wing because I obviously needed something magical like a potion for this.

Even though it's still early in the morning the bright sun is already starting to dash through the windows, making my eyes a little sensitive. I'm walking through the chilly hallways at 6 am with my silky black rope rapped around my body to keep me warm, even though it wasn't working really well. I suddenly hear someone on my left side walking over to me, so I obviously turn around by the sounds of the footsteps coming closer. They're stopping right behind me and as I turn around I look straight into the cold grey eyes of the person who's just as exhausted as I'm, "Early awake, y/n?" the pale haired boy says sarcastically in a sleepy low voice. "Something like that yeh.-What about you, Malfoy?" I say arrogantly, his grey eyes scanning my body up and down because I was obviously not wearing much clothing. I've chills crawling all over my body, feeling very embarrassed by this awkward situation he put me in. My bare skin is visible to see, my legs showing themselves from under my rope. His wild gaze fixed on my bare skin making me snap at him angrily, "Stop staring at my legs, you pervert!" I carefully take a few steps away from him, trying to cover myself up with my rope as much as possible. "Put some more clothing on then, your just asking for attention now!" he scoffs with a nasty grin on his pale face, his stormy eyes rolling once more over my body, making sure that I've got his message. My head is killing me so badly at this point, and I didn't have the strength to start arguing with Malfoy about my clothing choice right now. So I just rolled my eyes and sighed exhausted, "whatever, Malfoy." Turning around and walking away from him, but he didn't gave his fight up just and yells after me "Walking away now, pathetic little girl!" But I decided to just keep walking, fighting with him is a waste of my time and he was the one crying earlier not me, I think to myself while walking over to the hospital wing.

It's a few hours later, around 10 am, and my headache is gone. I went to the hospital wing to ask Madam Pomfrey for help, she told me to take a seat on the bed and gave me a self-brewed potion. I had to swallow the whole bottle, it was absolutely disgusting! After that she wanted me to stay there for a little while until breakfast started, she told me that I could leave now the go to breakfast and by that I left. I first walked back to my dorm to change quickly from outfits and then went to the great hall. I walk inside and hurryingly take a seat on the Slytherin table, by the end on the left place, then looked quickly around to see if I could find familiar faces on the other table's, my eyes catches up with Hermione's. She's sitting on the Gryffindor table smiling and waving at me, so I obviously give her a little wave and a genuine smile back. I got snapped out my wave when someone suddenly throws they're food straight towards me and it falls directly in my hair, and some parts smooching a little over my face. I wipe most of the food away with my hands, looking down at them and seeing the left overs that had dripped down from my hair, cereal are you serious.

I look around the table to find out who did this, and then my eyes fall on a group of Slytherin's laughing in front me. Pansy enjoys this a little too much, she's holding an empty bowl and a spoon while laughing, of course she is! "Looking fresh, y/n!" pansy says sarcastically, I hear tons of people laughing and making jokes about the cereal that's dripping down my face. I felt tears starting to prickle in my eyes, out of the sudden somebody yells behind me "SHUT UP, NOW!" I turn around and see Cedric standing in rage behind me balling his hands in to a fist, ready to hit the next person who's laughing at me.

"Cedric, don't!" I say with tears now streaming down my flushed cheeks. "Aw, is sweet little y/n crying now." Pansy snorts with a nasty smirk on her face, enjoying every second of this. Something disconnected with in me, making my vision go black. I jump in rage away from the table and reach out to the collarbone of pansy her Slytherin polo, yanking her towards me. "You worthless bitch!" I spat angerly, my words making her eyes go watery to. Everyone around us is in shock and went quiet, even Cedric backed away from us until Malfoy try's to join the fight, after everything that happened to my the first day ceric felt like he owed me this one so he balled his hand into a fist and before we all knew it, the fist went straight towards Malfoy 's disgusted face...

But Malfoy dodged the fist just in time, Cedrick's hand fly's through the air, his face going bright red, feeling embarrassed. The pale haired boy grabbed Cedric's fist and squeezed it hard, so hard to the point that you could hear his knuckles break from under his firm grip. He screams in pain but Malfoy didn't care he's just enjoying this with a big grin on his face. I already had my hands off Pansy's polo so I could watch the show. Everyone's shocked faces went to the great hall's door when Dumbledore storms in, he rips the two boys out of each other and then grabs them both by the neck's, dragging them out of the great hall. We were all in shock, we've never seen Dumbledore so mad. I Turn around, back to pansy. Our eyes met each other, I can see in her eyes that she's fuming. I wanted to hold back my words but I just couldn't and so by that I said arrogantly "Lost your boyfriend, Pansy?" Directly after that I continued "Oh wait he never wanted you in the first place." I scoff, putting my middle finger up in front of her face. But she couldn't take the joke, "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, NOBODY EVEN LIKES YOU, Y/N!" She snapped, shouting her words throughout the great hall. Everyone turned around to us and stares and some are even laughing at me, my cheeks flushing red of embarrassment, but I won't let her just walk over me like that! A part of me wants to cry and the other part wants to fight her so badly, I suddenly hear a familiar girl's voice go, "well, I do!" I snapped around and see my friends standing over her Gryffindor table, it's Hermione backing me up!

( chapter three is rewritten! Like I said, not the best one I've made put still worth posting :)! ) 

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