8~ Steamy shower

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He looks me lustful in the eyes, "You're joking right?" He says, voice dangerously low. He removes his hand slowly away from mine, but still keeping his intense gaze fixed on me. "Find out for yourself then, Malfoy!" I say teasingly with a fat smirk on my face, while jumping off my bed. I chock my head away from him and slowly walk over to the bathroom door, "You're really going in, hu?" He says questioning my movements, but I keep myself silent, leaving him this time wondering about me. I reached the knob of the bathroom door and could hear him behind me standing up from my bed, the sounds of his footsteps coming closer towards me. I stepped inside the room and quickly locked the door behind me, why did I say that to him, I'm such an idiot, I think to myself.

I standstill there, letting my weight lean onto the wooden door, hands combing roughly through my hair. Doubting about the words I've said to him before coming in here, but he snapped me out of my thoughts by him knocking forcefully onto the big wooden door were I was standing against to, making me jump. "Are you going to open the door or not?" He says slightly irritated, his voice stone cold. I slip back into my thoughts again, if I let him in then there will be none to stop us this time, if things happen than we be both will regret it. "Hello, y/n are you still there?" He jokes, I can hear his little laugh vibrating behind the door. After a few seconds in silence I finally respond back to him, stepping away from the locked door, "If you want to get in then find a way, Malfoy." I say playfully, but in a sweet way. I walk over to the shower and turn it on, waiting for it to warm up. "Oh yeah, try me!" He says cheeky, letting out a little snort in laughter behind the still locked entrance.

I take off my clothes and throw them on the stone floor, the disgusting smell of weed twisted into the fabrics. I step over to the shower and touch the rain of water with the tips of my fingers, it finally had warmed up. I move myself under the raining water, turning my face towards the showerhead, letting out an loud shaky sigh and closing my eyes for a bitt. The nicely warm water sliding down over my body, my fingers combing through my thick wet hair gently in relaxation. 'Alohomora', his voice whispers softly, allowing him to enter the bathroom. My eyes snapping wide open, fuck why didn't I think of that, I yell in my head, with my face still towards the wall. He stepped inside the room hurriedly, not saying a single word. I can hear his clothing fall onto the floor, his heavy breathing loudly vibrating through the room.

And there he is, creeping his cold tall naked body behind me in the shower. He moves his face closer to my neck, placing his lips right beside my ear. "Here I'm, y/n." He whispers in a very low voice, his warm breaths tickling onto my bare skin. "No shit sherlock." I snort sarcastically, but he didn't like that.

I feel his cold slender fingers grabbing onto my rainy shoulders, trying to get me to turn around to face him. "Are you afraid to face me, y/n?" He whispers daringly in my ear, his icy fingers sliding a piece of wet hair away from one side of my neck to the other. I let out an little snort, afraid, me? I turned around, looking straight into his stormy grey eyes, they're filled up with hunger and lust. The pale haired boy is looking me up and down, tracing every inch of my body with his icy glare. "Enjoying the view, Malfoy?" I question him coolly, while nibbling on my under lip, like I'll always do when I get nervous. My amazed eyes focused on his because I'm to scared to look away, or shall I say, to look down at his hard length.

"You can look down you know?" He laughs teasingly, his slick fingers tracing down on my showering wet body. "Fuck you, Malfoy" I snap slightly annoyed, cocking my head away from him towards the wall. He roughly grabbed onto my throat and whispers demandingly in my ear, "What did you say, y/n?" His hand firmly wrapped around my silky skin, making me look directly into his lustful eyes. "fuck you!" I whisper hoarsely underneath my breath, His slightly tinted eyebrows rising up in excitement. "Alright then, as you wish, my love." He smirks naughty.

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