•chapter three•

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tw: mentions of alcohol and partying


i didn't know what to do. we had never slept in the same bed before, or cuddled but what was i supposed to do? i didn't want to wake him up. and i was kinda cold in his room, so i just went moved back towards him more and went back to sleep.

the next morning i woke up to karl jolting the bed.

"ah oh my god i'm sorry!" he whisper-yelled, probably scared of waking his parents if they weren't already up.

"what?" i said, why was he acting so weird?

"i don't know! i woke up and i was holding you! i'm sorry! i did it in my sleep!"

"bro chill out, it's fine really." i reassured him.

"r-really?" he was blushing like crazy.

"yeah, like whatever it's not like you did it on purpose."

he blew out a long breath of air and i could tell he was relieved that i didn't mind, i mean it wasn't like it meant anything. i grabbed my stuff and told him that i had to go, claire and i had plans to go to the movies at noon. he hugged me, then went back to looking at something on his phone. i was just about to walk out the door when his mom called after me.

"hey, umm, so are u and karl like... together?" she asked quite awkwardly.

"no, i swear, we're just friends."

"okay... just checking because when i went in to see if you guys wanted breakfast you were cuddling." she smiled sweetly and walked around the corner, leaving me blushing in the front doorway. fuck why do i blush so much when people bring him up?

i just brushed it off as both of our parents have thought that we were gonna get together for most of our lives even though it was clear that there was nothing that was going on and nothing would ever be going on between us. besides, us sleeping like that was an accident and it probably wouldn't happen again.

i shook my head as i realized that i was still standing in karl's front doorway and i needed to get home to change in time for claire to pick me up. i said a quick hello to my mom who was sitting in the living room as i made my way upstairs to my room. it wasn't long before i heard a knock at my door as my mom cracked it open to tell me that claire was outside. i have her a quick hug as i grabbed my purse and jacket and left.

"did you hear about the party tonight?" she asked excitedly as i got into the passenger seat.

"no, who's throwing a party?"

"jack is, his parents are going out of town for the weekend so he's inviting everyone over. we have to go!"

"i don't know, you know my parents will never let me."

"that's why you have to sneak out, i'll pick you up down the street at 10, okay?"

i nodded in agreement, knowing that if i tried to argue i would lose. the movie was boring, we spent most of the time staring blankly at the screen, unable to figure out what was going on. after the movie we went to get some food, as we pulled into the parking lot at chipotle i texted karl about the party.

me: hey are you going to jacks party tonight?

karl: i thought about it, idk how i would get out of the house tho

me: stay over at my house, claire's picking me up at 10 we can go together

karl: fine but if we get caught it's your fault

i closed my phone and got out of the car, "karl's coming with us tonight" i told claire.

she nodded and began to walk towards into the chipotle as i followed behind her. the food was good, we sat and talked about school and everything that was going on.

"you know, that new guy, what's his name, connor? he likes you, and he's gonna be at the party tonight." she stated.

"umm, yeah i don't know about that claire. like he's cute but i don't know him."

"just talk to him, he's actually very nice once you get to know him. you wouldn't know cuz the only guy you've ever talked to is karl."

i shot her a death glare as she took a bite of her burrito, "that is not true, i've talked to plenty of guys i just haven't liked any of them."

"it's obvious that you and karl have something going on, come on like you guys spend the night at each others houses all the time!"

"ew no, never. he's my friend and it's not like we sleep in the same bed. usually..." as soon as it left my mouth i knew that i had made a mistake.

"what do you mean usually? so you guys have slept together?"

"well yes, but no. not like that. it was an accident we just fell asleep, it doesn't matter."

she just shrugged, but i knew that she didn't believe me. it didn't mean anything and that was final.


that night after karl showed up and we had gone up to my room, we waited until it was quiet and snuck downstairs. we knew that the front door would make too much noise so we went through the garage before we walked down the street to the corner where claire was waiting for us.

"are you guys ready to party!!" she said as we buckled up.

"hell yeah!" i replied, and we were off. jacks house wasn't far, but he lived on a dirt road where not many houses were, which mean the party was going to be a loud one. as soon as we walked in the smell of beer and weed was overwhelming. claire went to go get us some drinks while karl and i walked around trying to find more people we knew. we eventually found some people from our spanish class playing beer pong and decided to chill there so we could play in the next game. when claire came back with our drinks i could tell that she'd already had one or two, she handed them to us but they weren't what we had in mind. i brought mine to my nose and smelled it, "is that tequila?" i said as i gagged at the smell.

"yessir" she said as she downed hers.

"ehh, fuck it." i tapped mine against karl's and drank it. it was disgusting. but hey, it would make the night more fun. claire asked our other friend elaina to be our dd so we could drink and leave safely.

the night progressed the same way all parties do, the drinks really got flowing around 11:30 and then almost everyone about to either pass out or throw up by 1 am. i looked across at karl as he sipped what i'm assuming was beer from his cup while having a conversation with some of his friends, he looked back and smiled at me. i stuck my tongue out before heading back to the table with drinks to get another shot, this time i also grabbed a soda to chase down the drink. by the time claire, elaina, karl, and i left, claire and i were basically being held up by our friends. the car ride wasn't long but i still started to feel sick as the car turned corners.

{word count: 1257 words}

a/n: hi um i hope if you read this that you're liking the book, even though i'm not taking the whole writing thing super seriously i have been working really hard on it. so thanks for reading! also to clarify the only people in this book from the mcyt community are karl and sapnap, others might have the same name as some people in the community but they are not supposed to be that person, that's just the name that i went with, sorry that's probs a little confusing but yeah thanks and love y'all!
~homie <3

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