•chapter four•

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{unedited for the most part}

karl helped me back in the house and kept shushing me as i giggled. he tried his best to get me to my room but before we got there i got sick and ran to the bathroom, he was quick to follow though, holding my hair back as i puked. it was not a pretty sight. he's only seen me drunk like this twice before now: new year's eve and my 16th birthday party. those were pretty bad, but not holding my hair back while i puked bad. i gotta say it was quite soothing though, whenever claire has done this for me she pulled too hard as she was also not the most sober. he was gentle, and then he helped me get into bed and got me a glass of water.

"how are you feeling cass?" he asked as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"ehh kinda tired, kinda nauseous." i replies as i started to yawn.

"i'm just glad we made it to the bathroom before you puked, that would have been a mess to clean up and explain to your parents."

"okay but how are youuu feeling karl?"

"i'm feeling pretty darn good right now actually, and i think that's because i didn't have at least ten shots in an hour and a half." he laughed a little as he said it, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he looked down at me.

"well i had fun so who's the real winner here?" i questioned playfully as i pulled the blankets over me.

he began to get up from his seat on the edge of the bed to sleep on the floor when i grabbed his wrist. i patted the bed next to me and scooted over closer to the wall so that he could lay down next to me.

"ummm, are you sure?" he looked nervous, but i could barely tell as i was still very much inebriated. i nodded and he pulled back the comforter to lay down next to me. he turned off the lamp on my bedside table as he lay down and soon we were both snoring peacefully.


once again i awoke in karl's arm, although this time is was both of us hugging onto each other as my head rested on his chest. i noticed he was still asleep when i looked up at saw how soft he looked, it was cute to see how serene he was. he must've woken up as i examined his features. his eyes started to flutter and i quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep still.

i felt him lurch slightly as he woke up more and realized that we were yet again cuddling, i used that as my queue to "wake up" and i pulled my arms from around him as sat up a bit.

"mornin' mr. jacobs" i said, looking down at him, he still had his arms around my waist though his grip had loosened a lot since he had awoken.

"oh... umm hey" he pulled away from me completely and swung his feet over the edge of the bed. i couldn't see his face but i could tell he was blushing from the pink that was growing on the tips of his ears, and i mean i was too so i was kinda glad he turned around.

"you wanna get dressed and then go get breakfast at that new diner in town?" i asked grabbing my phone to check the time. 9:47. it was way to early for this shit, and i was very hungover so my head was pounding.

"yeah, sounds like a plan. i'm going to go change in the bathroom real quick" he said as he grabbed a few clothes from his backpack and left, closing the door behind him. i could hear my parents downstairs in the kitchen talking before the door clicked shut, meaning we couldn't just slip out without them hearing us. meaning i couldn't grab advil from the cabinet on the way out.

i changed quickly in a hoodie and some shorts to stay warm as he weather was becoming a bit colder and i drank the last bit of water from the night before. it wasn't long before i heard a light knock on the door signalling that karl was done in the bathroom.

"you ready?" i asked, grabbing my phone and wallet off of the bedside table and we headed across the street to his car, however not after an awkward amount of my parents trying to talk to us and me trying to get out as fast as i can.

he laughed at me as he unlocked the car doors and got in. "what's so funny?" i gave him a death glare as i buckled my seatbelt.

"the way you made it so obvious that something was up, you wouldn't even talk to them, cassie." he laughed even more as he saw the annoyed look on my face.

"hey i'm sorry but i have a terrible headache and they were not helping at all!"

he opened up the center console and pulled out a bottle of advil and a water bottle, tossing them to me. "luckily i came prepared."

i quickly took three and chugged a bit of the water. "oh my god ur actually a lifesaver!"

he just shrugged a little and pulled the car into the street and driving us to the diner. he basically had to drive us everywhere because i hadn't gotten my license yet. it's not that i didn't want to, i just never felt ready to take the test. i had my permit and i could take my road test, i just didn't. it didn't seem to bother karl though, we hung out a lot anyway and he enjoyed driving, it was one of many things that he was good at.

breakfast went by pretty quick, i got pancakes while karl got scrambled eggs and bacon. we talked about the previous night, he filled me in on everything that i had missed while i was partying. apparently some guy got caught cheating on his girlfriend when she walked in on him hooking up with someone else. other than that the night seemed to be uneventful, that is until i got a text.

i saw my phone screen light up as i got a text from... connor? which would have been strange already, and was even more strange because i don't know how he got my number. karl must have seen my confused expression because he asked me what was the matter.

hey, it's connor. wanna see a movie at 7:30 tonight?

"i just got a text from connor, but i don't remember giving him my number..." i trailed off at the end as i saw that i had about six other messages from claire.

girl i told you he liked you!

okay i know it's late but why aren't you responding??

ugh fine i'll text you in the morning

okay fr tho did he ask you out yet?

you better text me back soon

this is an urgent matter

i had  absolutely no clue what she was talking about and neither did karl. the waitress brought out check as i texted her back asking her what she meant.

what do you mean you don't remember?

you and connor?

don't tell me you were so drunk you don't remember kissing him right?

i swear to god you gave him your number and everything

i had my face in my hands as my phone continued to vibrate and light up on the table. i love claire but god damn did she text too much.

"are u sure you're good?" he looked down at my phone and then back at me.

"umm yeah, i just... i guess i kissed connor last night... i don't remember it though so i feel like an asshole."

"wait a second?! you kissed connor?!"

{word count: 1331 words}

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