Part 2

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Its been a year since that incident and Naruto has grown a lot he's mane affinities are Fire and lightning he has mastered his Fire affinity to a degree that lets him up the heat on any Fire Jutsu in turn it the fire turn purple he had also unlocked the Sharingan at the age of 6 due to him coming from the main branch of and him being a direct dissident of Indra Otsutsuki he just needed to train hard and he would eventually get the sharingan ( Im doing the same this as the fanfic legacy it very good fanfic btw check it out so the same thing happens when he unlock monkeyo he'll unlock the Eternal Monkeyo instantly ) he now has the 2 tome Sharingan in both eyes and has made summoning contract with a very rare summoning it was a race of Fiery Phoenix's all with different colors though he had a personal summon a Purple Fiery Phoenix

Its been a year since that incident and Naruto has grown a lot he's mane affinities are Fire and lightning he has mastered his Fire affinity to a degree that lets him up the heat on any Fire Jutsu in turn it the fire turn purple he had also unlock...

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Naruto has also been working on Lighting Jutsu's and manipulation he's not as good at it like his Fire affinity but he was still working on it many people in the village now call him the Uchiha Prodigy and the Uchiha Clan hold respect and pride in the boy though he is an amazing and very talented Shinobi the Hokage forbid Naruto on taking the Genin Exams early he wanted the boy to have friends and people to trust since he didn't really have that much friends since most children excluding the Uchiha Clan were told to stay from him and that he brings nothing but death and carnage after him which made him pretty isolated when he was not in the Uchiha compound or without Satsuki or Shisui

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