Part 6

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Throughout the day Naruto and Hinata got to know each other a lot more of course they did this when there were breaks between the exam, Naruto had gotten rookie of the year getting perfect scores on everything while Hinata got average scores on mostly everything once they all got their headbands and came back to class Iruka announced the teams "Team 1 is..." Naruto muted out Iruka as he kept on talking about teams that didn't interest him though he couldn't wait for his team he wanted to be with Hinata so bad since it would benefit both of them and by the end of the year or so he was sure that Hinata would be as strong as ever looking down at his chest he saw bluesh black mop of hair he slowly moved his hand towards her hair and started to play with it he liked playing with her hair it was so soft and silky and always smelled like lavender it was amazing to Naruto he never met someone with so much care and kindness the last person that was so kind and caring to him were Shisui and Satsuki and they died along time ago so this is basically really new to him and he didn't want it to stop "Team 7 is Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno-" At this the pink haired banshee started to sulk but then changed to a cheer "And Sasuke Uchiha your Jonin Sensei is Kikashi Hatake" "IRUKA SENSEI!!! Why does the future Hokage have to be with the UCHIHA!!!!" At this both Naruto and Sasuke narrowed there eyes at the Dog Lover "Because Kiba your the dead last and Sasuke is the second best normally Naruto would have been on your team but there is special circumstances with Naruto" Said Iruka in an annoyed tone which just made the boy twitch in anger "Alright Team 8 will consist of Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame and Naruto Uchiha your Jonin Sensei will be Kurinai Yuki" Once Naruto and Hinata heard this they both had smiles on their faces sure Naruto had a small one but that was because he didn't want to show to much emotion when there were other people around but he knew for a fact that he could be his true self around her /The rest of the teams are the same/ "Alright class these years of teaching all of you have been amazing but from today forward Im not your Sensei anymore, now good luck and maybe Ill see you around, Oh and your Sensei's will be here later so feel free to do whatever" Iruka said before he got up from his desk and left the classroom

/ 1 hour before /
( Council Room )

"Alright Team 7 will be under Kikashi Hatake members are Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha" An elderly man said who wore white robes and a white and red diamond shaped hat that had the kanji for Fire on it "Lord Hokage shouldn't Naruto Uchiha also be on my team?" Another man said who had his whole face covered except his eye he honestly looked like a scarecrow "No, first of all Naruto has already unlocked the 3 tome Sharingan and has mastered it even knowing a lot of genjutsu and second of all he is a very skilled sensory so we will be putting him on another team" The now Identified Hokage said as he chuckled a bit to the shocked faces of every Jonin "Alright now Team 8 their Jonin Sensei will be Kurinai Yuki the members are Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and Naruto Uchiha this team will be mostly for tracking mission though they can also become a heavy hitter squad and the combination of the Byakugan and Sharingan has never been done before so it will be interesting to see" The Hokage said with a small smile "And it very much looks like they like each other" The Elderly Hokage said with a big pervy smile which got confused looks from everyone there "Come here" He said as he pulled out a crystal ball and poured chakra into it then showed Hinata and Naruto leaning on each other and sleeping on one another it looked very cute and looked and very comfortable this got many "Aww" from the women that were in the room and got some soft smiles from the people who knew Naruto before the massacre he was always an up beat kid that always smiled but that all changed once the massacre happened he became colder and barely smiled but right now he was his old self again "Alright well Team 10 is the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and their Jonin Sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi" The Hokage said as he stopped channeling chakra into the crystal ball and put it back into a drawer "Now you all have about 5 or so minutes until you can take your teams so you are all dismissed" The elderly Hokage said as he got up and left followed by all of the Jonin's that were there

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