Part 7

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Once Iruka left closing the door behind him, Kiba the dog lover walked over to Naruto and Hinata "One arm I demand you fight me for the love of Hinata!!" He shouted as he pointed to Naruto but before Naruto could say anything Hinata interrupted "Kiba! Leave me alone will ya!!" She shouted at him again out of character "No way this one armed freak probably put you under a genjutsu or something to make him like you!!" He fired back "Listen dog breath she doesn't like you and neither do I so can you leave us alone now?" Naruto said as he pulled Hinata closer kissed her head "HELL NO FIGHT ME NOW!!" "Ughh if I fight you will you leave us alone??" Naruto asked as he put his chin Hinata's head "YEAH AND IF I WIN THEN YOU CANT TALK TO HINATA ANYMORE!!" "And if I win you leave us alone and not talk about Hinata like she's property" Naruto said as he got up and put his Katana on his waist and was about to leave to fight Kiba but got stopped by Hinata's hand touching his hand he looked back to see Hinata with a little frown "Naruto please don't" "Sorry Hinata but he won't leave me or you alone until I give him a fight it'll be quick I promise you can watch if you want" He said as he kissed her on the forehead

The whole class went outside to watch the fight between the Uchiha Clan heir and the Inuzuka Clan heir they were both standing in the middle of the training ground with Naruto having his hand his swords hilt with his eyes closed with an impassive look while Kiba was getting angrier and angrier each second Shikamaru saw this and made him self proctor of the match "Troublesome, Alright Ill be the proctor of this match no killing blows or any damage that can't be fixed you can win if you knock the other unconscious or if make the other forfeit and if it gets to out of hand then I'll end the match, you understand?" Shikamaru said in serious tone, getting nods from both of them he counted down and told them to begin

Naruto acted first as he jumped back a little and took a deep breath he then made a single hand sign and let out a medium fire ball that hit Kiba head on though it do any real damage but it was in off to knock Kiba out "Troublesome couldn't you have held back a little on the fireball?" Shikamaru said lazily as he and Choji picked up Kiba and his dog "That was as much as I could have held back I could have made it a lot hotter and bigger to the point where the color of the fire ball would change into purple and if I did that than he would have become ash I put just in of to knock him out" Naruto said as he turned around and started walking towards where Hinata was while the others started at him in shock and in awe once he got by Hinata he held her hand and they both disappeared in purple flames they then appeared in the classroom in their seats "How did you do that?" Hinata asked as she looked around the classroom frantically "Its a Jutsu its body flicker you'll have to learn it once you become a Chunin so if you want I can teach it to you" Naruto said as he put an arm around her waist and brought her close he then put his head ob her left shoulder and closed his eyes and kept hugging her by the waist while she took this time to play with Naruto's hair


/ 5 minutes later /

Kurinai and Asuma we're both walking towards the academy while having some small talk "So what do you think about Naruto and Hinata? I know Hinata was always like your little sister or daughter you both have a good bond and your always protective so what do you think about them?" Asuma said as he took another puff of his cigarette "Im gonna see if this Naruto really does have feelings for her or if it's just fake and if they are real then im gonna have to be extra protective of her!" Kurinai said with determination in her eyes while Asuma let out a sigh "Listen Kurinai I know you care for her a lot and you don't want anything bad to happen to her but if you try and get into the way then it will look like you don't care about her feelings at all and it will also just look like you hate Naruto which is the worst you can do just observe and if he really loves her and would do anything for her then you have nothing to worry about" He said as he nodded his head while she just took the advice and shrugged "Well were here time to meet our little genin" Asuma said as he and Kurinai walked into the academy heading towards the class

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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