Part 4

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Satsuki opened her eyes for the first time in 2 days she was in a hospital she didn't know how she got here or how until it all came back to here she started crying into her hands for almost an hour she then got up changed her clothes and went to the Hokages Office once there she opened the door and saw the Hokage he smiled at her she sat the chair in front of his desk and asked "Is everyone in the Clan dead?" This got a sad nod from the Hokage "How about Naruto is he gone as well?" "No Naruto is completely safe though he lost an arm when fighting Itachi he should be awake in another day or two" Said the Hogake she let out a sigh of relief "Umm Hokage?" "Satsuki no need to Hokage please call me Jiji?" "Ok Jiji but Itachi said that he made it look like I died to Naruto and he said that I will have to put a genjutsu on myself so I look like a boy do I really have to do that and why?" Satsuki said as she put her head down which got a sigh and a sad nod "Im sorry Satsuki but that will be the safest choice since if your still a women then the council will probably force you to have children and probably with Naruto since both of you are Uchiha's" "But I don't want to leave Naruto alone and anyways if I put a genjutsu on then Ill just become a whole different person and me and Naruto saw everyone's dead bodies he'll know something is up" Satsuki said still with her head down "Hmm how about your father and mother left the leaf for a vacation but they died from some bandits then when you came home you heard that the clan was massacred I think thats a good back story don't you think?" "Yeah I guess so but how will I look?" "Oh I have the perfect genjutsu" ( She looks exactly like the normal Sasuke ) "Ill tell you when Naruto's up then you can meet him introduce yourself as wait whats gonna be your name?" "I think the name Sasuke would be good"

/ 2 days later /

Naruto slowly stirred awake in a hospital room that he was in beside him in a chair sitting was the Elderly Hokage reading a scroll and in deep thought he then noticed the boy was waking up he quickly put the scroll into his pocket and stood up looking at the little 7 year old "Naruto" The Hogake said as the boy then looked at him "Where am I?" Naruto asked the Elderly Hokage let out a sad sigh "Can you remember anything from the last time you were awake?" The Hogake asked as he sat back down Naruto went wide as he put his head down and silently cried this stopped for a moment though as he asked a question "Is- Is Satsuki alright?" "Im sorry Naruto she didn't survive" At this Naruto heart broke he loved Satsuki with every cell in his body he lost an arm for her for god sake ( Like a sister and a friend ) just then he gritted his teeth and made a promise yo himself and Uchiha Clan that he would kill Itachi and have revenge for the clan even if it means he'll die in the process for the next 5 minutes he kept sobbing silently he then got up form his bed and put on his normal clothes and walked out thankfully it was raining that whole day so no could have seen him sobbing he kept on walking aimlessly around the Uchiha compound he then got to where he lived he walked in and found that his apartment was empty "I guess I have to move outside the Uchiha Compound" Naruto muttered to himself as he lied onto the floor and him think of how depressing his life will be without Shisui or Satsuki he then cried himself to sleep

/ A Day Later /

*DING..DING* "Ugh" Naruto grunted as he got up and opened the door in front of him he saw an Anbu member with a Dog mask and silver gravity defying hair "Hello Naruto" "Hello Dog do you need something?" "The Hokage has something to tell you it's great news so I'll take you there" The Anbu said while Naruto just shrugged once there Naruto entered through the door and saw the Hokage and another kid the kid was seating on a chair in front of the Hokage's desk "Oh Naruto good morning how have you been?" The Hokage asked Naruto just shrugged in response "Naruto im here to tell you that this person right here is an Uchiha his name is Sasuke he wasn't in the village when it happened so he's like you the last Uchiha" The Hokage said as he looked at the two Naruto went wide eyed when he heard 'I still have family but I don't care im going to kill the bastard not him' "Hn, Its nice that I still have family but don't get in my way i want to get revenge on him all by myself" Naruto said as he turned around and started walking "Naruto wait theres other things we have to talk about like your missing hand" The Hokage said as Naruto stopped and looked back at him motioning him to talk "Well first of all about your hand since now you can't use hand signs with both of your hands you have to learn one handed hand signs here take this scroll it has everything about one handed hand signs and how to do them and second of all the reason why you mastered the Sharingan so easily and have unlocked it to the 3 tome now is because you are from the main house of the Uchiha Clan the main house are different from any other Uchiha like how you unlock the Sharing- " The Hokage was just about to continue but the black haired boy interrupted him "I know Jiji and I also know about my parents and the thing in me I also know my grandfather he Izuna Uchiha Madara Uchiha brother is that all?" He said as he turned towards the door and was going to start making his way out while the other 2 in the room were shocked beyond "H-how?" The Hokage said as he gulped in fear that the person he thought of a grandson would hate him for not telling him "Shisui" Thats all he said as he kept walking towards the door once he got to the door handle he was just about to open it until the Hokage spoke again "Well then since you are from the main house of the Uchiha Clan and the rightful heir to the clan from today forward you are Uchiha Clan heir" The Hokage said as he got a nod from Naruto he then opened the door and left

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