Part 3

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It was another normal day at the academy me and Satsuki were always together studying, training and talking with each other I was always at the Top of the class while Satsuki was close second since she would all ways train with Itachi today they both hung out and trained together Naruto helping her in the Fireball and how to make it bigger they spent hours training until it was Sundown they then walked home together "So what do you think we're going to do tomorrow Satsuki?" Naruto asked in a cheerful attitude "Hmm Idk but it will probably be boring so how about we send shadow clones to school tomorrow and we go off and do train?" Satsuki said with a smirk on her face "You're a Genius Satsuki!!" The boy shouted with a big smile which made the girl smile and blush about the compliment

They then arrived at the gate of the Uchiha Clan Compound where they saw all the lights were off "Huh its too early for everyone to be asleep?" Naruto said as he kept walking "And too silent somethings wrong" She said as she quickly followed Naruto just then the black haired boy stoped with wide eyes trembling in fear she follow his gaze and looked in horror and disgust as she saw many Uchiha Clan Members dead on ground with blood splattered everywhere she only had one thought while looking at every 'MOM AND DAD!' She then took Naruto hand and said "Naruto please come with me I have to see if my parents are safe and I don't wanna go alone" She said as she looked at the eyes of Naruto see a 3 Tome Sharingan spinning wildly as he could only just nod they then both ran at top speeds towards Satsuki's house once they got there Satsuki instantly barged into the house shouting her parents and brothers name they then got to a room that they didn't search Satsuki at first she was very scared and hesitant to open the door but Naruto ushered her that he would protect her with his life this made her blush a little and nodded her head she then pushed the door open to see a dead Mikoto and a dead Fugaku laying on the ground with blood everywhere around there body's once Satsuki saw she fell on her instantly crying Naruto then hugged her tightly trying to comfort her but she just kept on crying harder and harder "Satsuki Im sorry but we have to go the person who killed our Clan might still be around we have to go to Hokage" Naruto whispered to her ear she hugged him even tighter and kept sobbing into his shirt he then got on his feet and picked her up bridal style while she just kept her eyes shut trying to stop her tears and holding him tightly as he was about to leave there were Shurikan's thrown right at him and Satsuki at fast very fast speeds which Naruto barely managed to doge as he sat Satsuki onto the ground and pulled two kunia's "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU SHOW YOUR SELF COWARD!!" Naruto shouted but under his breath he said something to Satsuki "Satsuki I need you to run go to the Hokage and tell him everything I don't know if I will live so this is probably goodbye" "What NO im not leaving you here!" "Just go Satsuki please ran as far as you can I'll fight him off and you run as far as you can" "Na-" "Satsuki go now!" Naruto said in a demanding voice which just got a nod from the girl as she got up to run she looked back at the black haired boy and said "Just Don't die on me ok" And with that the girl ran out of the house "Now then show yourself!" Naruto shouted still having his guard up as he looked around the room he then activated his Sharingan then came out a man from the shadows wearing an Anbu uniform without the mask and a bloody sword with the 3 tome Sharingan blazing

"Naruto long time no see" "Itachi do you know what happened here do you know who killed our clan!?" Naruto said more demandingly then a question "Yes, Yes I do I killed them all just to test my power!" Itachi said as he turned his Monkeyo Sharingan on while Naruto was just in shock but that changed to confusion and pure anger "WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO OUR CLAN!!" "Because I wanted to test my powers, you see If you want to get true power than you must kill your best friend and get these eyes for instance I killed Shisui and now i have unimaginable power" "YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED OUR CLAN AND SHISUI JUST TO TEST YOUR POWER!!" Shouted Naruto as he ran at him doing one hand sign and spitting a massive purple Fireball that Itachi dodged easily 'I don't have time for this I need to go to Satsuki before I have to leave' Itachi just sighed 'Sorry Shisui' He thought before cutting Naruto's right arm off which made him let out a pained scream and fall onto his chest still staring at Itachi as he got up and said "Tsukyomi" As Itachi said that the world around Naruto changed as he saw everyone in the Uchiha Clan get killed and massacred even Shisui and Satsuki for 3 days straight while it was only 5 seconds in the real world once Naruto passed out Itachi left to find his little sister Satsuki once he found her he appeared in front of her "Itachi help me we need to help Naruto and we need to tell the Hokage everyone is dead somebody killed them" "Satsuki I am the one who killed them and I'm here to tell you something" Itachi said in a monotone voice this shocked her once she heard this "YOU WH- WHY!!!!" "That isn't important what is important is that I've made it look like Satsuki is dead in the eyes of Naruto but I will not kill you once you are awake tell Lord Hokage to put a Genjutsu on you so you look like a boy and you'll become Sasuke Im warning you if you don't then once you are for age you will become a baby Factory and I don't think you would like that" Itachi said then pointed a finger at her as she fell to ground knocked out

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