Izuku Todoroki

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Wailing echoed through the hospital room as a baby was held up to the light. He was quickly passed to a nurse and the went away to clean him as the doctor's attention returned to the mother.
She was already weak and sickly before giving birth so the doctor's weren't sure if she was going to make it.
They tried to keep her awake, to keep her holding on, but the heart monitor they had connected her to flatlined 10 minutes after she gave birth to her son.

Izuku Todoroki.

A boy who would never see his biological mother, raised among step-siblings, after his father cheated on his wife for the purpose of a quirk.
Izuku's quirk.

Izuku would never have a normal childhood.

Endeavour would make sure of that.


Izuku coughed, bile spilling from his throat as he clutched his stomach, a bruise already forming.
"Weak." Spat Endeavor.

Izuku was now 7, forced to "train" by endeavour, all because of his quirk and the man who called himself his father's desire to have his children overtake All Might.

That's what it all was for.

And each Todoroki sibling hated it.

The flaming man left the curled up and shaking boy on the training room's floor, the new burns he had received, a bright and throbbing red against his pale skin.

Burns because he was forced to control his quirk, and when he couldn't and got burned. Because Izuku Midoriya could manipulate fire.

He couldn't create it like some of the other Todoroki siblings, but from just a small spark from them, and he could harness the fire and bend it to his will.
At least, that's what he was forced to do.

Endeavor was hell bent on making the boy's quirk stronger, and he didn't care how many burns the seven year old would get.

No matter the cost.


The pale hand of one Fuyumi Todoroki combed through Izuku's black and red locks, the cloud of hair soft under her touch. The boy in question sobbed as Touya Todoroki fixed the bandages over his arms.
Once he was done, the small Shoto Todoroki, same age as Izuku, came over to the crying child and pulled him into a hug, Izuku hissing a little at the movement of the burns upon his arms but carefully pulled the other Todoroki boy closer, the tight hug mutually affectionate.

Those two Todoroki's were the closest out of all of the Todoroki siblings.

As Izuku had gained more control over his quirk, Endeavor had started training Shoto and Izuku together, having Shoto ignite his flames for Izuku to manipulate, even the smallest increase in temperature was all Izuku needed to make it grow and dance. That was the only thing Shoto used his flames for anymore.

Soon Touya joined the cuddle pile Fuyumi, Shoto and Izuku had created, the last Todoroki brother Natsuo not far behind.

All five of the Todoroki siblings fell asleep like that, finding their siblings the only comfort in the twisted world they lived in.


Shoto Todoroki, looked over to see his black and red haired brother collapsed on the couch, exhausted. They were now 15, nearing the end of middle school.

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