The pirate prince - part 2

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The sandy blonde descended from the wheel, tasking the pink haired pirate Izuku had learned was called Mina from Denki, and walked towards the cleaning prince.

Forest green met blood red and they stared before the emerald orbs of the prince broke away, returning to his task.

Katsuki grinned and whispered to Denki, who's eyes widened momentarily and scarpered off. He returned shortly with an awfully familiar object in hand.

Izuku froze as he recognised his crown.

Katsuki began to twirl the gold crown around his finger, the emeralds set into the gold, twinkling under the bright sun.

"Get back to work prince~"

Izuku snapped his gaze back to the burning scarlet orbs before returning to his cleaning, sparing glances at his crown, now in possession of the ruthless Katsuki Bakugo.

"Recognise it little prince? I heard that was Shoto's little nickname for you."

Izuku froze up slightly before going back to his work, the familiar and alluring name not what he needed right now.
He should've responded.

Katsuki pulled on the princes unruly forest green locks, eliciting a pained cry from the male, his head snapping back, the mop dropping from his hands.

"I asked you a question little prince, you should answer it, where are your manners?~"

Izuku chocked on another, smaller cry, before finding it in his unused voice to respond to the vicious blonde.

"I-I recognise it..."

Katsuki released his hair and Izuku stumbled forward, away from the blonde, chains clinking together as he closed the distance between him and the railing the chains were attached to.
He looked back at the blonde, hurt in his eyes, but Katsuki didn't care.

"We were thinking about selling it, but your kingdom is so broke, we thought we'd give it back with you so they could actually afford something!" Katsuki cackled, the gold crown still twirling around
his finger.

He strolled over to the now cowering prince and placed the crown lopsided amongst Izuku's emerald curls.

"I'd take care of it prince, your kingdom will need it."

Later, Izuku was once again in his cabin, still very much a prisoner but freed from the silver chains. He tilted the gold and emerald crown in his hands, sighing, as the show of wealth was useless in his position.
He placed the crown back on his head, the sense of familiarity the only thing he could grasp on in this new world.

He knew it would take a long time before the kingdom could pay off this ransom. So he was stuck for a while, a new life.

He hissed a little as he leaned back against his pillow, his skin red and burnt after the day in the sun. The ointment Momo, another crew mate had supplied him only helping a little.

He took off the crown and set it on his table, knowing he would have to let go of his previous self if he was going to survive here.

The life of a prisoner.


A few weeks had passed and each day he was given cleaning duties. His fair skin had been tanned under the long hours working under the sun, no protection from its dangerous rays. He had built lean muscle from vigorous cleaning, muscles aching after long days of the same actions over and over again.

Ground Zero had received a message from the Kingdom, that they couldn't yet pay for the ransom but would try and get the money to them as soon as they could.
Katsuki has just scoffed at the news.

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