Legends yet Villains - short

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"Hey, do you remember the legendary class 3-A?"

"You mean the class that ended UA? The hero class that was killed the League of Villains but resulted in warrants for their arrest? All because they killed villains in self-defence?"

"Yeah, it's been the topic of a hero blog my friend is interested in and they have pretty good debates. They were talking about that 3-A and their teacher, an unknown hero called Eraserhead, shouldn't be arrested and instead commended for the 'crime'."

"They hit it off in their first year right?constantly being attacked by the League and had one crazy sports festival?"

"Yeah, but back to the topic. What do you think of them?"

"They were acting in self-defence, anyone can see that from the footage, and the villains were going to kill them! They've been on the run for years! We need to help them!"

"I wonder where they are now?"

"We live in cities you'll never see onscreen."

The hum of a vaguely familiar song echoed over the two figures. They glanced over to the source to see a figure dressed in all black, hood pulled low over their face, in a booth next to their's in the little and empty cafe they had met up in.

They stared at the man curiously, oblivious to the brown eyes staring right back at them through the cover of the hood.

"Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things."
The figure continued, one recognising the song while the other catches the honey-brown eyes staring at the pair. They also notice the scars carved into the man's face.

"Do you need something?" The former asks.

The man just grins, a smirk that instilled a sort of safety into the two formerly conversing friends, like he wasn't going to let anything happen to them.

Like a hero.

The hooded man stood, walking over to the two and standing before them, his fierce and confident brown eyes staring at the two.

"Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams."

Both stared in awe at the man, the aura he emitted only suggesting safety at the other wise shifty figure.

"And you know we're on each other's team." One of the seated figures finished, the chorus echoing into both their heads.

The man with the striking honey-brown eyes hummed and turned to leave, but not without uttering two words that had both seated people's eyes widening.

"Help us."

The brown eyed, black clad man walked away, his thick boots heavy upon the wooden floor.
He had his hand outstretched for the door knob when one of the people stood up.

"Who are you!?"

The hand froze and the piercing yet calm brown eyes meeting the stranger's own blues.

"I'm Denki Kaminari. Chargebolt. Member of the legendary class 3-A and federal criminal."

The blinding smirk of the hooded man slid onto his face, the two watching as he slid off his hood to reveal gold-blonde hair with his signature streak of lightning bolt shaped black.

"There was meaning in those lyrics, the truth. You know what happened. Make sure others know what happened. And maybe a legendary hero class can return to the streets."

And with that, Denki Kaminari left the two, their stunned silence echoing through the barren cafe.

As Denki Kaminari turned to walk into the darkness of an ally beside the cafe, the black dressed figure disappearing into the shadows, his smirk dropped and he looked to the skies.

"Well, almost all of the 'legendary' class."

We'll clear our name, for you and us. We'll be the heroes you wanted us to be


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