Demon Deku

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A long black tail swayed across the floor, arrow-head tip narrowly missing candles set purposefully on the floor. The man the tail belong to tutted.
Violet eyes met the toxic green orbs, their gaze flicking to the pitch black ram's horns curling down to the man's jaw. The purple eyed boy looked over the man, admiring the open black suit and the dark green button up on the standing male. Black knee-high heeled boots adorned the man's feet, leading into black leggings that highlighted the muscle of his legs.

Upon his head was a tilted crown, silver glinting with the green emeralds set into it, conveying the man's status to the stunned boy. The silver and green crown was set in wild and fluffy forest green hair, the cute appearance of his fluffy curls contradictory to the dark aura radiating of the male.

Finally he looked into the toxic green eyes of the standing male.

They were like pools of acid, glowing and filled with danger, a fluorescent green as they stared back into the violent eyes of the boy kneeling on his bedroom floor. He felt like they were weighing his soul.

The demon spoke first.

"So you summoned me. That's hard to do. What do you want with the demon prince, human?"

Even if his words were cold, the purple eyed boy on his floor could see curiosity and mischief in his acid green irises.

"I... I want to make a pact with you..."

The greenette's eyes widened.
"You must have power to be able summon me. It's been a while since I've been with a human..."

The purple eyed boy blushed at the demon's choice of words which just had him chuckling. He walked forward, out of the summoning circle drawn on the ground, officially in the human realm, and cupped the blushing male's face in his hand. This had him positively glowing with pink as the demon male smirked. He leaned in.

"What's your name human?"

The boy stuttered, face still flaring with blush.

"How old are you Shinso?"


"And what do you want with the demon prince Shinso?"
The green haired demon asked, rephrasing his first question.

"I want to be a hero, but I know I failed the exam. I want you to help me."

The greenette withdrew from the purplette's neck.
"That's some goal."
He grinned, resembling the Cheshire Cat.
"I like it."

Shinso sighed, relieved. He was scared the demon would reject him. How he summoned the so called demon prince, he had no idea.

"You sure you want to do this Shinso?"
The green haired demon asked.


The demon prince just grinned wide.

"Then be prepared to be stuck with me for the rest of your life."

Before the purplette could answer, the demon had taken his wrist, bringing the skin to his lips and grinning, exposing his fangs as Shinso looked away, blushing profusely once more. And before anything else was done, the demon sunk his fangs into the boys wrist.

Shinso hissed as the fangs dug deep into his flesh, drawing blood from the small wound. As the demon pulled away from the now wounded wrist, he licked up the blood that had trailed out of the deep punctures.
Soon Shinso cried out as his wound began to burn. Knowing the boy's parents would wake up and find a demon with their son, the prince silenced the purplette with a kiss, swallowing up his pained cries. Shinso was immensely startled by the kiss but melted under the passion that the demon was kissing him with. He could feel the lust that hard started to roll off the green haired demon in waves, and he was drowning in it.

After a dozen dizzy inducing and pain nullifying kisses, the burning in Shinso's wrist had stopped. The two pulled away, one panting as the other smirked, pleased.
Shinso studied the bite mark that was no longer there. In its place was a marking, an ink black sigil that looked like a tattoo but was nothing like it.

 In its place was a marking, an ink black sigil that looked like a tattoo but was nothing like it

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(The mark ^^)

"That's a bonding mark, a symbol of our pact. It means no other demon can claim you and make a pact with you. No one can take you from me..."
The demon prince finished off in a whisper, having the hazy pink that had covered Shinso's face redden at the possessive words of the demon.
He just grinned.

"Now, for that dream of yours and why you've gone to all this trouble..."

The green haired demon stood up, and with a click of his fingers, the chalk and candles that had been on Shinso's floor had disappeared.
The short demon hummed before he began to glow the same acid green of his eyes.
Shinso could only stare in awe as the glowing continued for another minute, leaving the purplette confused on what the demon prince was doing.

Eventually the glowing stopped and the demon's eyes focused on the male still sitting on his floor. He pulled him up off the floor and Shinso could only stare as the demon shrunk. Soon he was shorter than Shinso and younger too.
But as soon as the glowing stopped once more, there was still the dark, intimidating and mischievous aura from before.

His Cheshire Cat grin was back.

"It took a bit but you're in the hero course, class 1-A. Oh and you have a new classmate."



Shinso just gaped at the now short male. The demon grinned wider.
The demon dragged him to his own bed and shoved him onto it, lying on top of him.
Shinso felt like a light bulb, blushing all night because of one, now small, demon prince.

The demon prince in question took his silver and emerald crown off of his head, setting it in the purple locks of the human beneath him, propping his elbows on his chest and giggling.

"My name is Izuku. I'm your new boyfriend. Don't forget it, because you're stuck with me for the rest of your human life."

Izuku booped him on the nose as Shinso gave up and lay his head back, hitting his pillow, his cheeks and neck alight with the blush that had painted his face all night.

He was stuck with a cute demon boyfriend who was helping him achieve his dreams.

Maybe life wouldn't be so bad.

A/N: do I plan on making this a book? Yes, Yes I do.
Maybe even two.

Hope you liked this story.
- Shadow-san out

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