Bad Night? Fuck Off

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Teddy Noah Allen hated Sunset Curve with a passion

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Teddy Noah Allen hated Sunset Curve with a passion. he thought the music was cool or at least it was until they came out with "Last Look Before Goodbye". A song he had written and of course he knew exactly when it was stolen because only a week after writing it one of the band members had asked him to hang out. He had heard from fans of them about how genuine and nice they always were so he gladly accepted. It was fun and he thought they had got along well but he was never called again after that day and he supposed that Bobby had made off with a page or two of his song book. He felt sick, especially after getting a call from The Orphiam telling him that they had booked a different gig and would be letting him go. When he asked who had taken her spot the minute they had mentioned Sunset Curve he was in disbelief. How dare they take they take his songs and then take his chance at living his dream. He swore he would never forgive them.


And he would never let them forget it

"I have a bone to pick with you all."

The band all turned around three with confusion and the last looked mortified at Teddys voice.

"Who do you guys think you are stealing my spot!" He fumed once he had reached them at the entrance of The Orphiam

"What are you talking about?" The blonde boy asked confused at the weird hostility coming from the strange male. "Steal what spot? You mean in line? We're not waiting we're actually playing here tonight."

"We're Sunset Curve." The brunette pointed to the sign above them with a smile before a guy in a leather jacket stepped in front of him.

"Tell your friends." He smiled causing Teddy to take a step back.

"Oh, I know who you jerks are. You guys stole my song and my spot at the Orphiam! I was supposed to be playing tonight till I got the call, they kicked me off because of you! " He yelled pointing at the four but keeping his eyes on the one in the back. The one he remembered as Bobby.

"Again, what are you talking about?" Leather jacket asked

"Look guys, he's clearly crazy, you all know we don't steal songs." Bobby finally spoke up already grabbing his friends to head inside "lets just give him free tickets and get inside before they lock us out or something"

And so they did. They gave him free tickets and walked inside without another glance. Teddy glanced at the tickets and screamed in frustration before shoving them in the hand of some random girl passing by.

"Sunset Curve," He pointed to the sign above them doing his best impressions of the boys "Tell your friends." And he walked off with a tight throat, a heavy heart, and tears stinging his eyes.

He walked for a whole hour before finally heading home to his guitar and a plate of leftovers that his mom always left for him. He didn't understand where it had all gone wrong. Why him? What had he done to deserve this. Music was his life. If music was a person he would probably be worshiping the ground it walked on. It had saved his life more than once but he knew. He knew that newcomers usually only got one shot at The Orphiam and he wasn't good enough for that shot apparently. That thought alone sent him into sobs so violent he began to stumble on the sidewalk, his vision was blurred and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His senses were all on overload and he didn't notice that he had stepped onto the street. Not until he was standing in front of a car as it hurdled towards him. Not until it was too late.

Last Look Before Goodbye ~Alex~Where stories live. Discover now