The hotel (yeah I finally wrote a title)

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~Sofias pov~
My phone started ringing, loudly. I was asleep, and it woke me up. "UGHHHH" I said rolling out of my bed. I saw that it was Heidi who was calling me, I answered the phone, "hello" I said. "Hey, I just wanted to call you to let you know that Simon is making us have hotel rooms, since he won't be here he wants to make sure everything is perfect while he's gone, we need the rooms to be closer to AGT since we always seem to be running late, Simon told me to call you and howie to let you guys know, because his back  hurts to much to make multiple calls." Heidi explained. "Oh" I said "you woke me uppp" I explained, "sorry!" Heidi said. "No, it's alrightttt" I said.

Terry (the host of agt if you forgot) gave us our keys for the hotel rooms the next day. My room was three doors down from Heidis, room. "Thank you" I said taking the key card, thing.

~Heidis pov~

It was 10:30pm and I was laying on my hotel bed. I was bored. I decided to turn on the hotel tv, and I saw that it had Netflix. I turned on my Netflix account, and I saw that I watched nearly everything Netflix has! I scrolled down Netflix, until I saw something i didn't watch before! It was called She-ra and the Princess of Power. I decided to watch it, I watched two whole seasons of it, and then I turned it into Season 3 episode 1. I was about twelve minutes into it, when I heard something outside of my door. It was very late, or in other words very early in the morning, and I was wondering who would be outside the hotel rooms that late, so I decided to go and investigate. I opened up the hotel room door, and I saw that it was Sofia! She stood in front of my door, I looked at her. "Sofia?" I said staring at her, "what are you doing this late, outside?" I asked. "Looking for you" she said, she sounded tired. "Well, come inside, then!" I said. She rushed inside, and shut the door behind her. I lay down on my bed, "So, why did you want to find me?" She looked at me slightly, I could smell her perfume, the smell was storng. She mumbled something and I could tell she wa really tired, she looked at my eyes, and she kissed me. I kissed her back and we were now making out. And then we broke from the kiss, and pretty soon I fell asleep, right next to Sofia.

I woke up, alone. The smell of someone eleses perfume was in the air. I remembered everything that had happend last night, I felt it might of been some strange dream. I looked next to be to see a note on the pillow where soifa has been, sleeping. I opened the note

The note read:

Hey, Heidi. I've felt really guilty about what we've been doing the past weeks.
So I left the hotel room, I turned off the tv you had on, you were watching some cartoon,
So I paused it. I'm really sorry, Heidi. We can still be friends, I left you some water.
Have a good day and I'll see you at AGT tonight.
-Sofia Vergara

I read the note and felt tears come in my eyes. I started crying really hard. I stood there crying with the note in my hand, when the door opened. "Heidi! Heidi, are you okay?" I turned around to see Howie standing in the doorway. I crumpled the note with my left hand, and threw it away in the trashcan behind me, "Y-yeah I'm FINE" I said yelling the last part, tears were streaming down my eyes. "Are you sure, you're crying!" Howie said. "NO IM NOT!" I yelled, though it was very obvious that I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face and my checks were red. I was NOT fine...

~Howies pov~

I have never seen Heidi like this, it was obvious something bad was going on. I looked around the room, I could tell that someone else was there that night, a strong scent of perfume, that wasn't Heidi's, a unopened water, and a crumpled up note in the trashcan. See I don't hug people much, obviously, but I've also never seen anyone cry like this, before either. I went over to Heidi and hugged her. She looked shocked, but I just felt so bad for her, I don't know what happend, but obviously it wasn't good. I just let her cry.

~Heidis pov~

Howie actually went up and hugged me, and I was shocked. I've been a judge on America's Got Talent with Howie for years, and not once had he really hugged me. I cried, until Howie said he needed to go and meet Terry for breakfast in the hotel lobby. I let him go, and when he left he closed the door behind him. I sat down on my bed whipping my tears. I opened the water that Sofia has left me, and drank it. I sighed and decided to go to the lobby, too. I went into my bathroom to fix up some makeup on my own, the makeup lady could help me later on. I put on mascara and slight lipstick, I didn't want anyone to know that I had been crying, so I forced a smile, too. I quickly made my hotel bed, and then went back to the bathroom to put on some perfume. I put on a random black dress that I had bought with me, and I put a red and silver flipping sequence (I probably spelt that wrong, but whatever) jacket  on that I had randomly bought with me. I zipped up the jacket, and I walked to the elevator.  The elevator was right by the water fountain, witch was right outside of my hotel room. AGT wasn't on for two days. I took the elevator down to the lobby, and thankfully I was the only person in the elevator. It was a very luxury hotel, too. When I got down there, I heard someone knock on one of the doors, I opened the door confused, and not knowing where the workers were. And I was shocked. Even more shocked then when Howie hugged me, because the person who was standing outside of the door was Mel B. "Heidi" she said. I gasped. "Remember the last season of agt, that we were togehter?" Mel B asked me. "Yeah," I said "2018." "Yes" she said "and rembemer 2019, when they didn't call me back? Well I felt very left out." Mel B explained. "They didn't call me back either, so chill" I said. "I can tell you have been crying, what happend?" She then asked. "Nothing" I said. She then grabbed my hand and said "We need to talk" she took me into a room. It was an empty janitor closet like, place. It was very dark, and scary. Then Mel B switched on a light. It stung my eyes, slightly. "Okay, so, rembemer last season in 2018?" Mel B asked. "Yes" I said. "Rembemer when we kissed?" She then asked. I was surprised! I did rembemer it. It didn't happen just once, either. "Y-yeah" I said remembering it like it was just yesterday. But it wasn't. 2 years ago, was the last time I saw her. "Heidi?" She said "Huh? Oh yeah, what?" I said. I was zoning out, slightly. "I've missed you" she said "I've missed you too, mel" then she did the most shocking thing. She pushed me to the wall of the empty closet, and kissed me. I kissed her back, too.

~Sofias pov~

What is this? This is totally outrages! I was just walking through the hotel, when I saw a raondom closet, and I saw a light from under the door, I opened it slightly, and I saw Heidi Klum KISSING Mel B. First of all, wasn't Mel B from 2018, no now? Second of all, WHAT. I saw Heidi kissing her, and I got flashbacks from everything that had happend. I closed the door, and my heart sank. I cried and ran away. I ran all the way to the AGT buling wich was right  next to the hotel, I saw the judges lounge and ran there. I flopped down on the orange couch crying so hard.

~Howies pov~
I was just walking in the agt building, when I heard crying from the judges lounge. I smiled. I was a professional at crying after what had happend with Heidi, today! I was going to help whoever was crying, and be great at it! I opened the door to the judges lounge, and I saw Sofia Vergara sitting on the couch with her head on her hands crying. Her hands were on her knees, and she couldn't even sit right! Her feet were on the couch , and I looked at her confused. Then I smelt a familiar scent. The same scent of perfume that was in Heidis room! Then it hit me. Sofia must of been the one in Heidis room. They were both crying, and both were acting strange days before. What was going on?

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