♡ five

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I laid down on the slightly-soft mattress of the hospital bed and stared at the white ceiling, trying hard to like the smell of the hospital room.

Mom suddenly placed her hand on top of mine and I averted my eyes to her, seeing the blurry image of her face.

"You're such a brave girl," she whispered in a shaky voice.

Although I can't see her facial expressions, I can tell that she is sobbing quietly right now, not wanting me to know that she is worried for me.

I smiled and squeezed her hand. "I'll be alright mom. You know I'm strong."

I felt her rest her head on my arms, and I did felt cold liquid dropping on my skin which only broke my heart because I don't want my mom crying.

But what can I do? My words aren't comforting her, so I'll just show her that I can do it.

Yoshinori suddenly crossed my mind. Him and his soothing voice and his angelic personality.

I stayed in the house for the past two days and I told my mom not to let him in because I am so embarrassed of what I did... what I said to him.

I closed my eyelids and sighed as I think about him.

I did tell him to stay by my side and never leave me, yet what did I do?

I pushed him away because of a slip of the tongue.

I badly want to feel his warm embrace right now. Not seeing him for quite a while worries me a lot. I wonder what he is doing right now. Could he be at home? Studying? Using his phone? Could he be outside this room?

I heard the sound of the door slowly creaking open and I turned my head to it although I can't see and distinguish who it is. But it is a guy wearing white.

Oh, maybe its Dr. Kim.

"Yoshinori, dear," I heard mom say.

Oh no.

Almost immediately, I kicked on the blanket and covered up my entire body with it and started facing the other side.

Breathing heavily in surprise and nervousness, I listened to them well, but only hearing silence.

"Hey ma'am..." I heard Yoshi's soft voice.

"Sweetie, I am really sorry for not letting you in yesterday---"

Yoshi cut her off. "Its really fine. But... can I have a private moment with Jaemi?"


Mom, please tell him that I am asleep.

"Alright," and as she said that, I felt her patting my thigh softly.

Oh no.

Seconds after I heard the door close, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I sighed heavily as I feel myself melting just by the small contact.

"I know you're awake," he chuckled. "Stop pretending you're asleep."

I groaned and sat up slowly, smiling shamefully and avoided his gaze. "It hurts my dignity with you being here."

"Why?" He laughed softly.

I opened my mouth and closed it again, not wanting to say the words I said to him in the past two days.

"Is it about your confession?" He asked with his velvet voice.

I frowned and glanced at him. I would really expect him to be disappointed but the way his tone sounds is far from disappointed. Honestly, I would say that he sounds happy.

"You know..." he trailed off as he pulled the stool closer to the bed. "You shouldn't feel shy about it."

"And why is that?" I asked softly, lowering my blushing face.

He loomed over me and I looked up at him even though everything is so blurry. I felt his hand on my chin and his other one on top of my hand.

I shivered slightly from the skin contact because I do know myself that I longed for his touch badly.

"Because I feel the same," he whispered.

I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes as my heart started beating rapidly in my chest. Honestly, I am shocked. I feel like I would faint but, this can't be happening.

"No..." I muttered and bit my bottom lip as I turned my head away. "You're just saying this out of pity."

His hand held my chin gently and made me face him, only making me blush more. And his face became closer and closer until I could feel his hot and minty breath on my face.

I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips on mine, how warm it felt, and how it bought butterflies to my stomach.

Never have I ever imagined that I would be kissing Kanemoto Yoshinori, my closest and only friend.

He's not doing this out of pity. The kiss feels too real and too passionate for it to be just out of pity.

He pulled away after several seconds, and we both giggled.

"I love you," he whispered, and that made me smile even more.

The door suddenly opened and we both pulled away from each other. I pulled the blanket up to my chest and then I heard Yoshi clearing his throat as he sat back properly on the stool.

"Sorry for interrupting something," I heard a familiar voice of a grown man said.

"D-Dr. Kim," I called his name out.

"Hello, Jaemi," his cheerful voice greeted me back. "Uh, mister Kanemoto, I need a private minute with miss Do."

"Is something wrong?" I asked concernly.

"I have already spoken to your mom about this." He said in quite a sad manner. "And to mister Kanemoto."

What is going on?

I heard Yoshi inhale deeply then he whispered, "please make sure that she will be alright."

"Of course," Dr. Kim whispered. "Thank you, son."

I dazed in confusion from what doctor Kim said. I have a gut feeling that something is not right, or not according to what I know that should be happening.

The door closed and I heard Dr. Kim's groan as he sat on the stool beside me. I stared at his blurry face and sighed.

"What's going on doctor Kim?" I asked impatiently.

"I'll get straight to the point, Jaemi." He inhaled sharply. "The cataract in your eyes... it can't be cured."


I thought I would finally be able to see again...

"Then..." I muttered, panting heavily in stress. "What's gonna happen to me now?"

There was a long string of silence before he spoke again. And what he said completely surprised me.

"Someone donated eyes for you." He chuckled, but it sounded different. It sounded sad yet relieved.

"W-who?" I asked.

"I can't tell you." He firmly said. "He's as good as an angel. That's all I can tell you."


A/N: I know you all know what's gonna happen next and I am really sorry but I really plan to make it like this 😂😅 Miannnn and gomenasai! 🙇

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