Part 5: Knowing

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Part 5: Knowing

"A is for the way you're absolutely gorgeous and B because you're you and that's enough." - Alphabet (Reinaeiry)

"Does anyone have a small box I could use to put my necklace in? I don't want to strangle myself in my sleep."

We were all rushing around, it was our first night and we had managed to find a motel so we didn't have to sleep in the crowded bunks just yet. There was a lot of talking and searching for things, and I was currently trying to think of a way to sneak my cat onesie pyjamas into my smaller duffel without anyone seeing. I had grabbed it quickly in my haste to pack and didn't realize it was my embarrassing calico sleep wear. As comfortable as it was I was not about to let people who weren't very, very close family see them.

"I think there's a plastic bag or something in my pack." Cole responded to his girlfriend. He paused when he realized it was on the other side of the Land Bounty across the sea of baggage. I glanced at it and placed down my stuff.

"I can get it." I offered.

Cole smiled. "Thanks Gwen, should be in the front pocket." He turned to busy himself with clearing a path to the door as the others resumed their own business.

I stepped carefully over Kai's toiletry bag that was packed full with hair products that I have never seen in my life. The most hair stuff I've ever used is shampoo and conditioner and on the rare occasion temporary dye. I unzipped the pack and slipped a hand in. I felt something hard and I pulled it out.

"Hey, I found a silver box-" I was suddenly cut off by Cole launching himself at me, tripping over the baggage and almost knocking Kai over.

"What the heck?" Kai snapped as Isla caught him. "You could've damaged my hair-oof!" Isla looked unconcerned that she just dropped her boyfriend as she moved to grab her carry on.

I became aware of Cole stumbling through the bags over to me. "You good, babe?" Siena said carefully.

"Fine! Fine...." Cole told her. "Can you grab my other bag?" As she turned around Cole swiftly led me away, I threw a confused look at Zane who watched me be lead into the corner curiously.

I held up the silver box. "Is this a bomb or something?" I shook it experimentally.

"Don't shake it!" Cole snatched it from my hands. I gave him an offended look as he opened the hinged lid and let out a sigh of relief.

"So, what's in it?" I asked attempting to sneak a look when Cole snapped it shut.

I frowned. "It's..." Cole glanced at Siena to make sure she wasn't paying attention. She wasn't since she was busy rooting through the pile for his bag. Cole leaned in, placing his lips near my ear. Like a little-girls-at-slumber-parties-secret. I spent most of my life dedicating the cover of night fall for getting revenge on my brother so I never got to experience that part of young female childhood.

"It's..." His voice dropped into a whisper . My eyes bugged out of my skull as I stared at him.

"Holy fudgenuggets."

* * *

"Why are you doing that weird look again?"

Cole blanched. "I'm not doing a weird look!" I laughed and patted his hand pityingly.

"Sweetie, you've been doing the same facial expression through the whole ride." I mimicked it, exaggerating the scrunch of the brow and the pout of the lips. "Something on your mind?"

Cole scowled at my impression. "Nothing's wrong! It's just my face! What? You don't like my face?" He feigned a hurt expression.

I laughed sitting on one of the motel beds and taking off my running shoe. "Where did you put that box?"

"What box? There's wasn't any box. How do you know about the box?"

" for my necklace?" I held up the music note charm to help remind him

"Right..." Cole let out a sigh. He reached carefully in his backpack and tossed me a zip lock bag.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him as he avoided my gaze. I slipped my necklace inside setting it on the side table before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I was done Cole went in and I threw all the annoying decorative pillows off of the bed and burrowed in. Cole joined me moments later, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he slipped under the covers.

"Do you like the girls?" Cole asked softly as I placed my glasses on the side table and turned out the light.

"They're nice." I told him. "Interesting...but nice."

Cole smiled. "That's good."

"Gwen's very quirky and Reagan seems pretty cool. Isla-"

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" A loud screech bellowed from the room beside us. Cole and I exchanged a look as conveniently the person we were talking about screeched.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Kai yelled back.


Cole winced as the yelling continued, I slipped my earbuds in my ears blaring it up before giving Cole one of them. He gladly took it, smiling as he recognized the song. He stared at me, his warm brown eyes full of adoration as I mouthed the words.

"I love you." He said, I couldn't hear it but I've watched him say the words so many times I could clearly see the letters and sounds on his lips.

I stared back, my lips tilting in a smile as I pecked him on the cheek. "I love you too."

Authors note****

Hey guys, an off-hand comment from a friend made me realize that Gwen might be depicted or so far be seen as dumb. I just wanted to say that she isn't. I was trying to capture the comedic and what could be viewed as odd parts of people that I love and enjoy. Just because someone's a little quirky doesn't mean their dumb. It means they're fun and creative and enjoyable to be around.

I based the character on writings styles I loved had lovable characters I've come to enjoy as well as personal people in my life. Gwen also is a reflection of myself in some way so I want to be sure no one views her as dumb because she isn't.

It's been bothering me for awhile since I did notice one of my chapters with her in it did make her come off as dumb so I'm going to make sure I improve and stick to her true nature.

Anyway, remember to embrace people's quirks and enjoy what makes them who they are. Have a nice night or day!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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