Part 6: A Face Slap A Day Keeps The Anxiety Away!

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Part 6: A Face Slap A Day Keeps The Anxiety Away!

"Whoops I forgot to do this."

  "Kiss, marry, kill.... Lisa E. G. Oxford, Quinn from high school....and Kai."

  "Uh...kiss Quinn, she's pretty attractive." Isla said thoughtfully, shaking her pop around. "Marry Lisa and...what's the last one?"

  "Um...kill." My eyes widened in realization. "You can redo it." I said quickly.

  Isla's brow furrowed. "Did I do it wrong?"

  I exchanged a confused look with Siena in the review mirror. She had taken the wheel after Kai and Cole had fought over it. Thankfully my boyfriend had a brain. Well, currently he was using his brain to make faces in the reflection of the Land Bounty's window with Cole but that's besides the point.

  "Kiss Quinn, marry Lisa, kill..." Isla listed off before pausing. "Oh. Kai's left. Uh..."

  She thought for a moment before frowning. "Wait- no. That sounds right."

  "Hey!" Kai spun around in his seat to shoot her a glare.

  "Sorry babe, you're not nearly as hot as Lisa E. G. Oxford." Isla shrugged, pegging her pop tab at him.

  Kai scowled. "I am way better looking then her."

  "Are you one of the biggest fashion icons in Ninjago?"


  Isla sent him a pointed look. "Exactly."

  Kai pouted, crossing his arms and sulking. "I don't like this game."

  Lloyd laughed, rubbing wetness off his nose from the window. "Come on Kai! You haven't even had a turn!"

  "You cannot judge the activities amount of entertainment without engaging in a humorous round." Zane agreed.

  "What he said!" Gwen chimed in before trailing off. "....whatever he said."

  Kai rolled his eyes. "Fine. Reagan, hit me with one."

  I thought for a moment. "Kiss, marry, kill.... Garmadon, Gayle Gossip, and Jay!"

  Cole snorted as Kai's face scrunched up with annoyance. "Why'd you have to give me those options?"

  I shrugged. "For fun."

Isla laughed at his luck, taking a nice big sip of her coke while he mulled it over. "We don't have all day, jerk-face!"

  Gwen furrowed her brow. "How'd you guys get together? I would've thought your personalities would clash."

  "I could say the same thing about you, Gwen." Isla raised an eyebrow challengingly.

  "Okay! Well I got in this fight with my dad and then I followed this map from my grandmother on this suicide mission for some was hungry so I asked this monster-fellow for lunch options before going to some place and eating. Zane got me food then he pointed out he could see my annoying map thingy before bringing me to Lloyd's grandfathers grave." Gwen prattled off. My eyebrows almost flew off my head as she talked.

  "Oh she's actually doing it." Isla nearly spit out her drink.

  "-and then I almost drowned so Zane kissed me so I'd survive-"

Cole slowly turned to look at Zane. He redirected his gaze elsewhere. "You never told me that."

  "My...memory log of that event must've crashed." Zane lied.

  "I think we went to go find a praying mantis and then Jay fell in the water... Oh I also smashed Wu's tea pot!" Gwen remembered excitedly. "That was fun."

  "Okay!" Kai cut in, quickly redirecting the conversation. "Um...kiss Gayle, marry Jay, and kill Garmadon."

  Lloyd paused like he was wondering if he should cut in or not to defend his father  but then he gave a small incline of his head like "fair enough."

  "But I'm never doing any of those things in real life...except maybe kill Garmadon- I don't know, it depends on what mood I'm in." Kai reasoned.

  "Um... A killing mood?" Isla offered with a smirk.

  "Do you ever think about those things?" Lloyd suddenly piped.


  Isla tilted her head. "What? Killing?"

  I chuckled as Lloyd sputtered. "No! Marriage!"


  "Aw." Siena gushed glancing back at him with a smile.

  Cole coughed awkwardly and looked out the window. I narrowed my eyes. What's up with him? Gwen slid not-so-subtle looks at Cole. Moving her eyebrows up and down knowingly. I scrunched my nose. What's up with her?

  "Do you?" Siena said curiously before I could get a good read on the situation.

  "Yeah." Lloyd sent me a small, shy, smile. Oh my god. My heart just did u's and a w.

  I took his hand. "That's so sweet."

  "Thinking of proposing, buddy?" Kai teased.

  Cole whipped his head around. "What?!"

  Lloyd gave him a confused look. "Don't sound so surprised." He grumbled.

  "No- I- uh..." Cole fumbled.

  "He's in a state of shock. Very serious." Gwen announced, getting out of her seat.

  "Gwendolyn, it is advised by all safety protocols to stay seated with your seat belt on in a moving vehicle." Zane said in concern. Unfortunately, he used so many big words and she already was out.

  "Here. I know how to treat this." Gwen said professionally, mocking any doctor out there unconvincingly as she promptly slapped Cole hard on the face. My mouth fell open in a perfect 'o' as Cole yelped.

  "OW!" Cole stopped stuttering and shot her a glare. His own hand flying to the red palm shape on his face.

  Isla snickered. "Okay, that was awesome!"

"Why did you do that?" Siena twisted in concern, trying desperately to keep one eye on her boyfriend, another on the road, and one suspiciously on Gwen. She returned to her seat.

  "Doctors orders." She told her like that answered everything. "You know what they say! A face slap a day keeps the anxiety away!"

  Zane gave her a confused look. "That' one ever said that."

  "Well I just did." Gwen retorted.

   She settled back, arms folded in determination. "Quote me on that."

Hey guys when I don't have any Ninjago images you get random book quotes I found from Spiderman fanfics. Also, Who can guess the secret behind Lisa?

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