Chapter Six - Ill News

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Keren awoke with a clear head, and rolled over with a smile and a happy sigh. After her awkward encounter under the willow tree she no longer felt nervous of being in Faramir's presence, for she had far more in common with him than she had with the elf, who, she admitted to herself, had unnerved her more than she'd realised the night before.

She looked over fondly at Palen, who had crept in whilst Keren was asleep, and was now lightly snoring. It would not be long now until her sister was properly reunited with her husband, who had survived the battle, and had come to the houses briefly yesterday to reassure her all was well. Once the hobbit was properly up and about Palen could go home and spend a few days with Dannor.

Keren rose and dressed herself with much more care than usual, choosing a freshly laundered shift and kirtle which still smelt of sweet herbs. The uniform was a faded dark blue, which could not be helped, but she pulled the bodice of the kirtle a little lower than she normally did, to allow her shift to stretch over the tops of her breasts. Palen, if she were awake, would tell her off, but Keren had seen her do the same thing when Dannor was first introduced. It would definitely be a step too far to pull the shift down a bit as well, she decided, after experimenting in the mirror for far too long.

When she pinned her hair up and attached her hood she made sure that some wisps hung down to frame her face. She could always tuck them away if Ioreth or the warden said anything, but she would try her best to hide from them before she saw Faramir. Nothing could be done about the dark circles under her eyes, but she could hope that the more she rested the better they would appear over the next few days. The spot on her chin was also a problem, but she pinched her cheeks to bring some colour to her face and hoped that would be distraction enough.

She went to the refectory to break her fast, although she could not eat much due to the anticipation, then went straight to the warden's room. She hoped that he would have left already so that the only person who might possibly notice her modified appearance would be Beregond, who she knew would probably just raise a wry eyebrow and leave her and Faramir alone.

Sure enough, he was there, beside Faramir's bedside, the warden long gone. Faramir was sitting up and looking brighter. The two men were laughing gently together, as if reminiscing, but there was an obvious anxiety in their manner. She wondered what news the morning had brought them both.

"Good morning," she said quietly from the doorway.

Both men looked over to her, and if either noticed her peculiar efforts that morning, neither of them showed it in his face. She could not help but be a little disappointed. She smiled awkwardly, as was her wont lately.

"Ah." Faramir's smile dazzled her, and rendered her speechless that he was smiling at her, for her alone. "Here is my favourite healer. You may leave us Beregond."

Beregond looked surprised at Faramir's happiness upon seeing her, shooting her a pleased if puzzled glance, and rose.

"As you wish, my lord," Beregond said with a small bow. "Though you know I cannot go far."

Faramir looked troubled.

"As soon as I take up my authority we will see about that my friend," he said. "You were loyal to me, and I will have him know that."

"My lord," Beregond nodded and turned on his heel swiftly. "I will remain outside the door."

Keren looked worriedly at Beregond as he left, not understanding the exchange. He shook his head minutely and winked at her, but she knew him, and she knew he was troubled.

She walked a little closer until Faramir had to laugh at her shyness.

"Come and sit," he said.

She sat, her hands clasped in her lap.

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