Halloween Kidnapping

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Aang's POV

I groaned and tried to open my bleary eyes. My head pounded and my mouth tasted groggy. Like a mixture of swamp goo and my own saliva. My skull felt like it was folding in on itself. When I finally opened my eyes the first thing I thought was: I bet Appa would hate it here.

My second thought was: WHERE THE ACTUAL UNDERWORLD AM I??!!!

I looked around frantically, only to find my mouth gagged, hands bound tightly above my head so I couldn't even wriggle, feet in some weird metal box. Around my waist was a metal bar preventing me from even thinking about moving an inch from the wall. My wrists felt bruised, and my gag tasted like blood. My stomach felt like it was eating itself. Like I hadn't eaten it in awhile.

I was in what looked like a dungeon. Cold stone walls, cobblestone with growing mold in one corner looking very much like it didn't like it here either. But the door is what caught my attention. It was solid iron, with a little flap at the bottom. A giant fire nation insignia was painted on it. It's bright red blaring and looking very out of place in the cell. I tested moving my feet in the strange box, only to find my feet would be significantly crushed. I stopped moving my feet.

Well this was weird, the last time I was captured by the Fire Nation, was last spring. Then they only shackled my hands and feet in a starfish position that wasn't very comfortable. Then, then... Zuko saved me. In his weird Blue Spirit disguise. I doubted that Zuko would rescue me now. I doubt he even knew I was captured.

After he attacked us in Ba Sing Se, I wouldn't trust him with a bottle opener. Especially since he was alone with Katara in the Crystal Caverns. They were standing so close. I was lucky to intercept them when I did. If I didn't they might of kissed or something gross.

How did I get here anyway. I tried to pick through my foggy mind. I was at one of the colonies... looking for an firebending teacher! That's right! After the failed attempt at finding the fire lord on the eclipse. We quickly retreated to the earth nation. We travelled to the fire colonies. Hoping that we could possibly find a master to help teach me. After having no luck for a few weeks we were starting to lose hope.

Sokka had suggested we kick back and have a drink or something. I'm fifteen, I am technically legal if I have an adult with me. Toph was not legal, but technically we all agreed she could do whatever she wanted. Sokka just turned eighteen making him our official chaperon. He was a terrible chaperone. I ended up spending half the time keeping him, and the others, from making fools out of themselves. Plus I was kind of against drinking, especially in times of need. All it did was maybe form an addiction, it never made the situation any better. Plus I just thought it tasted bad.

Then there was this guy. I narrowed my eyes trying to place what had happened. I was getting a bit a tired and cranky from having to herd everyone around. There was this guy who approached me. He handed me a weirdly fizzy drink, saying it might do me some good. I had been too tired to care. I knocked the drink back, and passed out almost immediately. I remember someone shouting, then the floor rapidly coming closer. My hat had come off at some point.

Then it was blank, and now I was here. Spirits know where, with no memory of how I got here. Being held hostage in a dungeon, my being practically fusing with the wall. The shackles that held my hands were starting to sting. The band around my waist squeezing way too tightly around my already aching stomach.

I remembered what Admiral Zhao said, they wouldn't kill me. Only barely keep me alive. Keeping me hostage in this smelly room. No chance of escape. No chance of seeing the sunlight. No chance of getting fresh air to bend. No chance of seeing anyone again. I can only hope my friends will save me. There's no Zuko to do that this time.

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