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yas it's happening! enjoy!


Lili POV

after she said that it really got me thinking, what if we did get together? "h-hey Vi?" I said shakily. "ya?" she said with her cute little face- wait what. "c-can I talk to you after dinner?" I asked. "s-sure." she said her face reddening. behind Vi i saw Foxy giving me the lenny face. 


"c-can I talk to you after dinner?" Lili asked me. I felt myself blush hard. "s-sure." I responded. I saw Lili looking at someone. "who r u looking at?" I asked turning around to see Lila giving us a lenny face. "LILA!!" i said blushing somehow harder. she then looked a little shocked then looked down to see her younger brother, Alex, clinging to her leg looking like he wants to sleep. she picked him up, "I'll take him to his room now." she said. "but if you wake him up with you know what I'll tell mom." she said making me blush even harder. "DINNERS READY!!" I heard Justin call. we all walk to the dinning room and sit down to eat dinner.


after dinner because I'm lazy -_-


Lili POV

after dinner the kids went upstairs to do whatever, Adam and Justin went to watch a movie probably, but I went to the kitchen to see Vi sitting on the counter. "y-you wanted to talk to me?" she asked. "y-yeah." i said walking closer to her. "so, watcha wanna talk about?" she asked me. "ummm I-I" I said. I walk closer to her so our faces were an inch and a half away from each others. "L-Lili?" she breathed out. I kissed her. 


3rd Person POV


a few seconds after Lili kissed Vi she melted into the kiss. a few seconds later Lili broke the kiss, "w-what?" Vi stuttered. "I love you." Lili said quietly. "I-I-I l-love you too." Vi mumbled out. "r-really?" Lili said. "ya Lils." Vi said pushing her forehead to Lili's. 




I pressed my forehead to Lili's. I heard a clearing of someone's throat. we both look up and Lili looked behind her. "J-JUSTIN?!" I yelled/questioned. "this what happens when i try to get some water." he said. "sorry." Lili said. I hopped off the counter, "I'm going to bed." i said walking away. I heard someone fallowing me. "who's fallowing me?" I questioned. "chill its just me." Lili said behind me. "oh sorry." I said turning my head. "It's alright, but can we cuddle?" she asked. "sure." I said. when we make it to my room I turn on my computer and put on a movie. I felt myself being pulled into Lili's lap and then soft hands playing with my hair. 'that's really relaxing' I thought to myself. I felt myself fall asleep. half way though the movie I actually fell asleep. soon after Lili fell asleep.


just some fluffy fluff 4 u guys!! bye my Unknowns

word count: 482

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