Review 5- SugarScape reviewer 2

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I was pretty darn excited to finally get my hands on a copy of this book, despite the fact I haven't read any of the original Wattpad version. 'After all' (no pun intended), I thought to myself, 'it was snapped up by a publishing house for a SIX FIGURE sum - surely it's going to be amazing'.

Well, no, actually.

In fact, the whole thing left me feeling, well... a bit let down, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, it's a page turner. I was up reading until 2am for 3 nights running as chapter after chapter ended on some sort of cliffhanger - but there's just something about the novel that left me unsatisfied. Ironic, really, considering 90 per cent of the book is about Hardin (Harry's character got renamed because y'know, legal issues) and Tessa getting their rocks off.

And that's part of the problem really - it's all about the sex scenes. And the arguing. OH GOD THE ARGUING. I get that the pair are supposed to have a 'fiery' relationship (they start off hating each other before getting it on) but it gets a bit repetitive. Fight/sex/fight/sex/fight/sex - that's the general formula followed here. In that sense, you can tell that the novel originated as a fanfic that was published chapter by chapter. There needed to be serious drama (and sex, obvs) in each installment. However, that doesn't translate into a novel because it throws the pace completely off - there's no calmer bits to balance out the drama.

There are flashes of brilliance throughout though - Hardin storming into Tessa's room while her boyfriend Noah is there, his jealousy over Zed, the dish breaking scene - but I was always left feeling a bit frustrated, like it all could have been done... well, a little better.

I don't want to sound too mean though - I did totally fall for Hardin and his bad boy ways, even if it does feel as he's essentially a cross between Edward Cullen and Christian Grey just with more tattoos.

Oh - and as for the furious Directioners who are screaming blue murder about the way After will portray a fake version of Harry Styles to the world... I really don't think they've got anything to worry about. Now that the main character is 'Hardin', there's literally NO connection to the One Direction member.

Hmm not sure - TWO STARS **

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