Halloween ? - (Loki x Fem!Reader)

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It was Halloween in 2 days ! Destiny was excited to go out and have some fun. Her friends and old college class mates will be there and they will just party ! You heard right. Party. A Halloween Party was organized from her old college school class. Everyone, even the bullies, will be there. All the bullies tho, had no real job and suddenly 'fell in love' with her. They always said that she is ugly and what not. They just wanted to get a job by the Avengers to spread again some untrue rumors about her. She was having none of it, this time. Tony was sad that Destiny rejected his invitation, but understood why. She didn't see her old college class for at least 5 years already and always partied with Stark and the rest of the Avengers.

Right now Tony and the rest of the Avengers were decorating the Tower in scary Halloween stuff. Loki then walked in and looked confused around.

"What is going on here ?", he asked confused.

"It is Halloween in 2 days, Loki.", Tony answered bored.

"What is...Halloween ?", he asked Tony.

You see, this is Loki's first time hearing about Halloween. He never had it before.

"Ask Destiny. She will explain.", Tony sent him off.

Loki made his way to Destiny's room and knocked at her door. Destiny and Loki are 'Friends'. Sometimes they act like their worst Nemesis and then they act all friends - like. It was a weird relationship between them. Maybe even complicated. Still Loki trusted her more than anyone else.

"Come in.", she answered.

Loki opened the door and walked inside, closing the door after he stepped in. Destiny turned around and looked at Loki.

"Loki ! What brings you here ?"

"Dest...What is 'Halloween' ?"

Destiny stared at Loki in surprise. Then she cleared her throat.

"Well...Halloween is a...night. A Nightscare.
Kids go out, dressed up in costumes, and from door to door, saying trick or treat, then the adults give them candy, or the kids have a right to do something to their house. Like...throwing toilettpaper over the house, decorating it.

Most people even decorate their home and gardens with scary decorations. Like Skeletons, fake Zombies, fake corpses and so on. Some adults even scare some kids back.

Some people also throw a Halloween Party and just have fun. Dancing, drinking, eating, all that. But you are just welcomed with costumes. Halloween is a Scarenight. A night where you can do scary stuff."

"What are you doing this Halloween ?", Loki then asked.

"I am going to a Halloween Party. Meeting my old College class mates and friends."

"So you don't stay ?"

"No. I am going away."

"Can I come with you ?"

Destiny tapped her chin in thought.

"I don't think that you will like it, Loki."

"I wish to try it, with you."

Destiny looked at Loki and read his full determination. She sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But you need a costume first. Hmm...Let me think about the perfect costume..."

"What are you gonna wear ?"

"I will go as a Vampire."

"I wish to go as a Vampire too."

Destiny huffed at Loki.

"Do you even know, what a Vampire is ?"

Loki shook his head. Destiny sighed.

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