Dexter hates Halloween ? - Loki x Male!Reader

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Loki walked through the halls of the Mansion and searched for Dexter. Fox said it was Halloween. But...What exactly IS Halloween ?

Loki opened Dexter's door and saw him on his bed, tiping on his phone.

"Dexter ?", Loki called softly.

In an instant he had Dexter's attention.

"What is it, Loki ?"

"What is Halloween ?"

"Well...Halloween is every year this month and day, to start off. The 31st of October. At Halloween people dress up as some, in their opinion, old myths and get some scares out of other people. Children run from house to house, trick or treating, better for you to understand, to get some free candy. Spooky Halloween Partys, scary movies, spooky little funparks, decorations...All that shit. In my opinion it is plain boring. I did it once and it was boring.", Dexter said.

"It is really that boring ? It sounds like fun."

"It is very boring, Loki. It was a huge mistake to do that of me.", Dexter lied.

In truth he just wants to lie to Loki, so he won't want to go. Why ? Because Dexter will again be totally hyperactive and he doesn't want it. All the fear and screams, would make him turn crazy. As he was a kid, it was totally easy to control, but the more he grew, the more did also the demon and with that...they have to fight against one another.

To say that Dexter felt bad, to deny Loki such a thing, was an understatement. He felt horrible.

"Can we at least try it out for me ?", Loki asked with hope.

Dexter couldn't deny him in trying. He knew his walls are broken. He sighed annoyed.

"What are you doing to me, Loki ? Everyone else would have gotten a 'No' in their face. But you get a 'Whatever you want' in the face.", Dexter said.

"Great ! Then dress up and help me dressing me up ! I don't know what to wear..."

"Whoa whoa WHOA !! Stop right there ! Who said that I was going with you ? Because I will not. Fox and Wolf will go with you. I will stay in my safe heaven, under lock and key, for all I care."

"But without you it isn't fun."

"Well, I am staying here. I don't want to go out and do stupid Halloween activities. I have work to do and not any time for such stupid occasions.", Dexter lied.

Good thing that Loki couldn't read them. That lovestruck little puppy.

"But...but Dexter...."

"No Loki. I am not going."

"Is it because of me ?"

Now Dexter snapped his head back to Loki, with wide eyes of shock.

"What...was...that ?", Dexter asked Loki.

"That you don't want to go. Is it because of me ?"

"No, Loki. It isn't because of you. Why would you think such a thing ? It is just plain boring for me. Also Hellbrook and Mr. L want to see papers and plans. I have no time for this."

Loki looked at Dexter.

"Why the Hel are you lying ?!", Loki yelled at Dexter outraged and hurt.

Dexter jumped at Loki's sudden outburst.

"I am not !"

"You are !! I can hear them !!"

"Fine !!! It is dangerous for me to go out there ! All the fear and the screams would get my demon hyper and I would probably kill someone !! Like the last time I had a real Halloween !! Are you happy now ?!", Dexter yelled outraged.

His eyes glowed red and he was totally mad. Loki looked at Dexter shocked, hurt and fearful. He noticed and shook his head. The red glow disappeared and he took deep breaths.

"I loved Halloween. I celebrated it once as I was a Teen...I lost control and killed people...since then...I am not going out anymore. It is too dangerous. Do you understand ?"

"Why didn't you just tell me that ?"

"Because I didn't want you to go and...I was scared of your reaction."


Loki went over to the bed and then laid down. He hugged Dexter close to himself.

"I will never be mad at you. You told me what a demon can do. I am not disappointed either. Just confused of why you still want to hide such things from me. I trust you. But it seems like you don't return it."

"I...I learned to be careful...since-"

"Shhh. You don't have to say more. Don't even think about it."

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