Part 1 Chapter 14

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It was nearing the end of June. Lillian's arm was now practically completely healed. The final event of the Triwizard Tournament was in just a couple short days and everyone, both participants and the students who would be in the audience, were buzzing with anxious excitement. Soon there would be a Triwizard champion who would obtain never ending glory and the stunning Triwizard cup. 

As for Draco and Lillian, nothing had gotten better. If anything it had gotten worse. He avoided her completely, in class, in the halls, and in the Slytherin common room. Lillian had tried to talk to him here and there, and every attempt ended in him avoiding her. What made it worse is to Lillian, Draco seemed perfectly fine. He'd be running around with Crabbe and Goyle doing their typical things. Whether it was mocking Harry or making his usual remarks. Lillian missed him. She missed his kiss, his embrace, and the minty apple scent that he carried with him. Yet she felt as though there was nothing she could do. As for Amethyst and Daphne, they seemed happier than ever, Amethyst especially.  She now took Lillian's spot in class next to him, and would spend her free time around him as well. Talking, laughing. It stung, greatly. What if he had the same feelings he did for her, but now for Amethyst? Lillian didn't want to know. She tried her best to ignore him back, but that was proven rather difficult. It made her angry knowing how pleased Lucius probably was, now that her and Draco were no longer spending their time together.

"Did you guys break up?" Hermione asked sadly.

"You know, we were never officially together I suppose."

"Oh come on, it was obvious how head over heels you two were for each other." Ron added.

"Ron! Not helping." Hermione hissed.

"Sorry." He said, shoving food in to his mouth.

"It's alright. It's been a month or two, I should be over this whole thing by now. The term will be over soon and we'll all be going home. It'll be easier to forget about when I don't have to be around him all the time, right?" Lillian asked.

Hermione put a hand on her arm.

"We both know that's not at all what you want."

"Of course it isn't. But I think it's what he wants."

"Maybe try talking to him before school ends." Hermione suggested.

"I could." Lillian said, shrugging.

Lillian had a free period, and since none of her other friends did too, she decided to head back to the common room. She walked through the empty room into her own. She flopped on to her bed and sighed. No matter how hard she tried to get Draco out of her mind she just couldn't. If she wasn't able to fix it before the end of school, she hoped that summer would be able to get her over it. She thought about what she wanted to do over the break. Writing to Aliya and Hermione, the daily café trips with Jaxon and Persephone, going boating on the beautiful lakes, turning 16 and of course perfecting spells and charms. Thinking about all of the plans that she'd have made her feel a lot better.


The day had arrived. It was pretty late in the afternoon when everyone gathered in a large set of bleachers in a half circle shape that was in front of a humongous maze. Everyone wore house and school colors to represent who they wanted to win. The large band played happy, upbeat music. Flags and signs were waving throughout the air. The crowd roared as each champion walked out on to the grass that was in front of the eerie maze. Dumbledore stood at a large podium, and called for the crowd's silence. Lillian was sitting with Aliya, and could see Draco with Crabbe and Goyle a few rows down, cheering along with everyone else. 

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour."

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