18. Dear Goodness

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I waited until midnight for this call. Rachel had already asleep next to me. I had no intention to wake her up any time soon, but, I wouldn't mind if she woke up at all.

Tomor--today happened to be Sunday, March 20th and I had my video call picked up by my boyfriend at 00:01.

Dick looked like he already woke up, but, the absence of his shirt told me that he hadn't shower yet. He looked exhausted, but, smiled at me.

"Happy birthday, Richie," I said.

"No way! What's the date today?" Dick rambled as he looked around the desk.

"It's your birthday," I promised. "I don't know how many hours too early or too late, but, it's midnight here."

"Crap. It's six am here," Dick said. "Oof... yeah, it's March 20."

"I said that already," I reminded.

"You did," Dick grinned. "Happy birthday, Rome. You look beautiful today."

"Thank you, I haven't sleep," I smiled. "It looks like you haven't either."

"I haven't for three days," Dick proudly said.

"I can tell," I said.

"Is Rachel sleeping next to you?" Dick asked.

I tilted the phone to show Rachel sleeping safe and sound.

"Oh, I miss you guys," Dick said.

"We miss you, too," I returned the screen to me. "I know I already asked it yesterday, but, are you coming home soon?"

"Very soon, my love, don't worry," Dick promised. "We just need a little nudge and we'll be good to go."

"Alright. You do what you have to do," I said.

By my side, Rachel shifted. When I looked at her she had her eyes opened.

"I heard Dada, is he home?" Rachel asked.

I turned the phone screen to her again.

"Hi, sweetheart," Dick greeted.

Rachel sat up straight right away and took over my phone. She turned to me.

"Is it tomorrow already?" Rachel whispered.

I eyed Dick on the screen, he looked like he pretended to not hear that. I nodded excitedly.

Rachel's eyes lit up. She looked back to the phone.

"Happy birthday, dad," Rachel said.

"Dad? What happens to dada?" Dick asked.

"You grow up, dada is for... kid dad," Rachel reasoned.

I chuckled, Dick wheezed.

"Alright. Thank you so much, sweetheart. Don't forget it's mom's birthday, too," Dick added.

"Happy birthday, mommy," Rachel said as she turned to me, opening her arm to reach for me.

"Oh, thank you, sweetie," I cooed as I leaned over to wrap my arms around her.

"Hey, I want to be a part of your group hug, too," Dick protested.

Rachel hugged my phone to her chest. I let out a light laughter.

Once we returned to our previous position, Dick sighed with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Rachel. Mommy? Shouldn't it be mom now?" Dick questioned.

"It's different. You can't replace mommy," Rachel said.

Oh, Rachel... if you would just understand.

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