where you two really go on a date pt.1

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hinata~ your first date was at a park, you two laid on the grass staring up at the sky and talked for hours about volley ball,school,your feelings or anything that came to mind.You also set up a little picnic 

kageyma~ you two went to the city and just explored going to many tiny shops getting amazed by the little things you see. He really enjoyed it when you reached for his hand to hold but his actual favorite part of the date is when you bought him milk. 

ennoshita~ a simple dinner for you two, the restaurant was a popular one in town you guys looked at the check and well..r.i.p he still paid making you feel a little bad so you took him out for ice cream after and he had you home before ten so your parents approved right away 

suga~ there was this extremely cute cafe by your house where you went on your first date it was so cold outside so you both grabbed hot drinks than sat on a cute peach colored couch and huddled together to try and heat up even more. You two talked about what you want your future to look like and even briefly brought up volleyball 

asahi~ a drive in movie you two didn't want to go to an actual movie cause you wanted to talk so duh drive in! you saw a scary movie he picked thinking  you'd get scared and he could act all manly and protect oh my god it didn't go like that at all you need to save him he was so scared like you kept reminding him it's a movie 

daichi~ beach! you guys sat in the sand building sand castles with a cute kid that came up to you. Still acts like a dad though XD makes you put on a lot of sunscreen. Got really nervous though when people (cough cough  men ) stared at you in a bathing suit he quickly wrapped hi arms around your waist. He also had a splash fight with you in the water both of you got soaked- 

noya~bowling, (okay this was so fun to write) was SO cocky and confident...then he hard core lost.  he tried to do rolling thunder with the bowling ball the first time hurt him enough so you'd think he'd stop right? wrong tried at least three times none of them were successful. Acted like he was a boss at it and tried a bunch of crazy shots...most ended it the gutter. Screamed when he got a strike the entire world heard I swear. So you won and he said he let you win cause it was the manly thing to do and he wouldn't go easy next time

tanka~ I don't know why but zoo- it was so cute I swear he was practically squealing when you would fan girl over an animal. When he was a big black panther he turned to you and said "is that nekoma's captain?". The entire time you compared the volley ball teams to different animals. The one time after you ate and went to use the bathroom however when you came out tanka had a bunch of peacocks all in a cult circle around him( I don't know if your zoos have it but for mine the peacocks and some other animal are allowed to walk freely). Your fave part of the date is when you were walking near the giraffes tanka had ice cream in his hands and the giraffe stole the entire thing right out his hand.

yamaguchi~you went to a theme park! Yamaguchi was so nervous but not only because he was afraid of doing something wrong to you but more cause he was forced to go on a big ass roller coaster that horrified the shit out of him. As soon as the coaster dropped screaming so much yelling poor baby was clinging to the roller coaster like a scared cat. Once you got off he turned to you and just kept mumbling never again over and over. He tired very hard to impress you and he sure as hell did at one of the game stand he won you a huge ass bear like it was taller than both of you and he won you two a child...kinda-well he  called it your child even though all he did was win a gold fish. He told you he would just name is fishy or bubbles reality is he calls it Tsuki don't ask me why he just does. Of course you kissed him on the top of the Ferris wheel.

Tsukishima~ museum yeah it sounds lame but it was actually very cute and fun date. OKAY SoOoOoO- just imagine seeing him walk through the museum and find a big exhibit on dinosaurs and oh my god tsuki has never smiled so much in his life. He was explaining the dinosaurs and how the species lived he became a whole blown teacher not that you cared though it was good to see him so happy and not roasting you. After that you walked to a sweet shop and bought donuts than sat on the ground and talked. When it was time to go you kissed him on the cheek and he smirked then ACTUALLY kissed you on the lips leaving you flustered and alone sitting on the ground trying to process what he did.


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