Chapter 1: Medicine for the Poor

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Two girls cautiously walk down the streets of New York not believing what they've gotten themselves into. It was just a week ago when they arrived in Manhattan so they could attend a symphony concert for one of their birthdays. A few years ago, they went to Chicago to see the Legend of Zelda concert called "Symphony of the Goddesses". This time the concert was in New York and was Marvel themed.

Everything happened so fast. Last night, the night before one of their birthdays, was the concert, and it was beautiful. They played songs from most of the MCU movies, and even some from the X-Men! They had songs from the best shows, too. Specifically the Spectacular Spider-Man, the girls' favorite show to watch together. But, then, as if a plague blanket dropped on the city overnight, the girls woke up to their flight out of town being canceled and their chauffeur direly sick.

The younger of the girls was named Julia, and her mom took them both to New York to see the concert. However, they were called that morning by the airport and informed that no one is allowed to leave the city. Julia's mom became very ill with the sudden virus that was dispersed overnight. And, to top things off, they were kicked out of the hotel they were staying at. Sure, they couldn't afford to pay for an extra night, but that was really rude given the situation! Julia was able to locate a shelter called F.E.A.S.T. and the girls brought her mom there to rest. A nice man named Peter Parker, whom the two girls became very acquainted with, said he would take care of her mother while they were out to get medicine for the shelter.

Now, the girls follow their GPS to the nearest Sable supply tents where they are keeping stock of many antibiotic medicines. Julia finishes up her conversation over her phone, "Thanks again, Peter. Tell her it's not even that far away. We should be back in no less than ten minutes. Right... mhm... bye."

Julia hangs up and puts her phone in her back jean pocket. She looks to her side nervously, making her long brown hair swipe over her other shoulder in its braid. Instead of picking up the habit of biting her fingernails, she puts both hands into the front pocket of her bright green hoodie. It's one of her favorite hoodies because it has a navy blue clover on the front, symbolizing her favorite college Notre Dame.

The other girl, who's name is Maria, keeps her phone leveled and in front of her to watch the GPS. She is only a half inch shorter than Julia, but they are both tall girls measuring at just under six foot. Maria wears a bright yellow hoodie and comfortable, tight jeans that fold above her ankles. Her shoulder length, blonde hair blows back from the wind, making her shiver just a bit. Both of the girls carry a bag with them to put the medicine inside of. Julia has her backpack decorated with Trevor and Dracula from the game Castlevaina. Maria has her favorite army bag strapped over her shoulder and resting on her opposite hip. The blonde also holds her special stick in her free hand just in case anyone gets any ideas.

Along with the new threat of the Manhattan pandemic, there's the problem of all the Raft's prisoners breaking out and running through the streets. Of course, Julia's mother was kept in the dark about that aspect or she never would have allowed them to leave the building and get the medicine she needs.

Maria looks at the sky for a moment and her expression turns worried. She groans and turns to Julia saying, "I really hope it doesn't rain. It's cold enough as it is."

"That's what I get for my birthday being at the beginning of November. Don't worry, the radar said it shouldn't start for another hour. What I am worried about are these Sable guys," Julia says and tugs on the straps of her backpack. Of course today is the day she has to raid a Sable hideout. It's finally her birthday and she just turned 21, finally legal in the eyes of the government. She views this as her first true test of adulthood. Turning eighteen was just a warm up.

"You're right. Peter said they aren't people we should mess with. We have to be careful. Maybe we need a code or something just in case we get separated," Maria suggests.

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