tentative touches

2.4K 41 18

Fandom: Star Wars

Pairing: Reader x Armitage Hux

Warnings: smut

A/N: This is an imperial academy college au! I love soft sweet Hux so much wow.

Word Count:1.5 k

You and Armitage were not dating, but you did spend almost all of your free time together, even in classes, you studied together, you walked back to your rooms together at the end of the day, which is how you got here. Standing in front of Armitage who was basically melting from your full attention, the way your hopeful eyes are staring up at him is too much.

He's spent many nights thinking about kissing you goodnight but never dared to break the strict 'no relationship' rule set by the imperial academy, his dad would kill him if he got in any trouble, even though he was an adult now.

"Armitage?" You ask sweetly as you bring a hand up grabbing part of his uniform and holding him close to you.

You let your hand slide down his front, your finger passes over the pins and then buttons until your fingers meet his belt and rest there fingers pressed to the cold metal of the buckle.

He gulps, mouth agape as he thinks of what to say to you.

"We can't."

"Can't what?" You ask innocently as you look up at him, smiling slightly as you take your hand away.

"Uh, nothing I... I have some notes to review before tomorrow so I should go." He gestures to his bedroom behind him.

"Can I come in? To review with you?"

"Uh, you've never come in here before it's not really, we aren't allowed in each other's rooms Y/n you know this."

"You've never had anybody else in your room?"

"No..." He answers too quickly and then wonders if anyone has ever been in your room before, he certainly hasn't.

"Well, then I get to be the first, it's okay we are just studying no one will even know?" You ask sweetly and then take a step towards his door and hover your hand over the keypad.

Armitage looks down the hallways and makes sure it's empty before finally agreeing.

"The code is XKHF."

You try not to sound so excited as you quickly punch in the code and rush into the room looking around.

It's almost disappointing how plain it is, no personality what so ever. This was the only place in the entire building or planet even where he could be alone and be himself and yet he still chose not to. But perhaps what is a safe space for you, is anything but for him.

"Very, clean." You say with a nod and he just chuckles ever so slightly.

"I think you mean to say boring, we aren't allowed decorations or too many possessions and although it is a rule not enforced by many, it is by my father."

"Armitage, I still think it's wonderful."


"Yeah, it may be boring but it's yours and it's allowing me to be alone with you, where no one could possibly see us and we can do whatever we want."

He gulps and fixes his collar before playing with the buttons on his shirt nervously.

"Isn't there anything you've been dying to do to me, now that we are alone?" You ask as you look up at him patiently, waiting for him to crack.

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