Chapter 6

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Mackenzie cradled her mug of peppermint hot chocolate in her hands as she watched the reddish orange flames of the fire perform a sort of dance.  She didn’t know how Caleb did it, but she had never tasted hot chocolate like this before.  And she was very thankful for the new hoodie from Jeremy and Cassidy as it had definitely gotten colder once the sun had gone down.

            The teen had met more people that night then she would ever be able to remember.  Although they had all been extremely nice.  Well, except for one dark haired girl who seemed a bit cold.  But for all Mackenzie knew she could have just been having a bad day.  She glanced around the fire for Fern or Caleb.  She smiled when she saw Fern chatting with a couple other girls that she thought she remembered Fern saying she went to school with.  Caleb was on the other side of the fire roasting marshmallows and laughing and joking with a couple guys who looked like they should be on the football team.

            Mackenzie slipped away from the fire with a shiver.  She sipped on her hot chocolate as she walked down to the barn.  She wanted to see the horses before heading back to all the fun.  The girl stopped when she saw a shadow outlined in the dim light.

            “Hello?” she asked uncertainly, not wanting to intrude if the person wanted to be left alone.

            The person turned around.  “Oh, I didn’t realize anyone was down here.”

            “I could leave,” Mackenzie offered.  “I was just going to see the horses.”

            The young man shook his head.  “Mackenzie, right?”  The girl nodded.  “I’m Eli.  And you don’t have to leave.  I was just enjoying the night.”

            Mackenzie smiled.  “It is a pretty night,” she agreed, looking up at all the stars.  “But it’s a bit cold,” she said wit ha shiver, keeping her hands wrapped around the mug for warmth.

            “I hadn’t really noticed,” he admitted.

            Mackenzie was surprised by that, but didn’t comment.  She just sipped on her hot chocolate.  The two started to talk about different things.  She found out that Eli was in his second year of medical school and that he was just in for the weekend.  He would be going back to New York on Sunday.

            “Eli!” an angry voice called.  The two quickly turned around.  The dark haired girl that hadn’t been very nice to Mackenzie was storming toward them.  “What are you doing down here?” she demanded, putting her hand on her slim hips and shooting daggers at Mackenzie.

            Mackenzie shrank back.  She had no idea what she had done wrong.  All she had done was talk to Eli.  Eli quickly stepped between them, only seeming to make the dark haired girl angrier.

            “Relax, sis,” he said.  I was just getting some fresh air.  Now, let’s go back to the fire.”

            “No,” she snarled.  “I want to go home.”

            Eli didn’t argue.  “It was nice meeting you, Mackenzie,” he said, putting his hand under his sister’s elbow to guide her away.

            The girl shot a dirty look over her shoulder as Eli led her away.  Mackenzie stood trembling.  Her perfect night had just been turned upside down and she didn’t even know what she had done to cause it.  She jumped and dropped her mug to the ground when someone put a jacket around her thin shoulders.

            “Whoa, jumpy filly.”     

            “Caleb!” she cried, burying her face in his shoulder.

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