Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            Mackenzie watched out the window as Jeremy loaded the feed in the bed of the old pickup.  She smiled slightly, remembering riding with her father like this to get all the feed for their boarding stable.  Maybe one day she would tell Jeremy and Cassidy about her family.

            Jeremy soon paid for the feed and returned to the truck.  Mackenzie turned back around in her seat and smiled.  Jeremy had talked the whole way in, filling Mackenzie in on his past and how he had met Cassidy down at a clinic in Texas.  They had been married a short eight months later and had been happily married for the past ten years.  The retreat they had started had been a dream of theirs since they had first gotten married and had just now been able to start.  She noticed that Jeremy didn’t say much about Cassidy’s past though.  She wondered why, but didn’t feel right asking.

            “So?  Ready for lunch?” he asked, looking over at the teen.  The girl nodded, her light brown hair falling into her face.  “How about the Steak and Shake?” he suggested.

            Mackenzie nodded enthusiastically.  “Could I have milkshake too?” she asked meekly.

            “Of course you can.  Can’t go to the Steak and Shake and not get a shake,” he said, starting the truck.

            Mackenzie smiled.  She knew it was only her second day with the Timmons’, but they were the only ones who had ever reminded her of her parents.  She settled back in her seat as Jeremy turned out of the parking lot.  The teen watched all the traffic go by as she tapped her fingers on her satchel.  She was glad that the Timmons lived in the country instead of the busy city.  She had had her fill of the city.

            Within ten minutes, Jeremy had wove his way through the traffic and pulled into the left lane.  As soon as the light turned green Jeremy turned into the parking lot.  They were soon sitting at a table, looking at the menus.  Once they had placed their orders Jeremy folded his hands on the table.

            “So, tell me about yourself, Mackenzie.  What do you like to do?”  Mackenzie nibbled on her bottom lip, not sure how much she wanted to reveal.  Jeremy smiled.  “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”

            Mackenzie gave him a gratefully smile.  “My parents died when I was ten,” she said softly.  “But you probably already knew that.  I’m sure it was in my file.”  She saw him raise a brow.  “I’ve seen my file,” she whispered.  The teen took a deep breath.  “I like to read,” she said, finally revealing something about herself.

            “Really?  Cass will love that.  She has a whole room filled with books and she’s always trying to get me to go to the book store with her.”  Mackenzie giggled.  “I bet she’ll love having someone to go with her.”

            “I would like that,” she said, brightening up a bit.  She hesitated briefly, trying to make up her mind.  She finally came to a decision.  “I like to draw,” she whispered, glancing up at Jeremy.

            The young man smiled.  “Someday when you’re ready I would love to see your drawings.”

            She smiled, thankful that he didn’t push.  With time maybe she would show them her drawings.  She hadn’t shown anyone else except the other children at the orphanage.  They both looked up when the waitress returned with their burgers and shakes.  They quietly ate their lunch, just enjoying the companionable quiet.


            By one they were headed back toward the ranch.  Mackenzie grinned as they drove back into the countryside.  A split rail fence passed by them on their right.  The teen looked over quickly when she heard Jeremy click the turn signal on.  She knew this wasn’t home.  She flushed when she realized she already considered the Rolling Hills Retreat her home.

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