Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            The next two weeks went by in a blur.  Mackenzie was starting to feel at home and she was slowly starting to let some of her barriers down.  The Timmons never forced her to answer anything she didn’t want to and they were more then willing to answer any of her questions.  But she refrained from asking about Abby.  It seemed to upset Cassidy and Mackenzie didn’t want to do that.

            She hadn’t seen Caleb since the day he had brought Bailey over, but Mackenzie tried not to dwell on it.  She kept herself busy with grooming Bailey daily and keeping up on her school work, so she could graduate on time.  Today was no different.  She had finished up an English report and headed straight to the barn to groom Bailey before the kids arrived.  She had promised to help Jeremy and Cassidy with the horses when the kids got there.

            Mackenzie pulled her long hair up in a ponytail as she stepped into the barn.  She headed straight for the tack room to get Bailey’s grooming kit.  Jeremy had surprised her with the grooming kit a couple of days after they had gotten Bailey.  She wore a big smile on her face as she hurried down to Bailey’s stall.

            The blue roan stuck her head over the stall and whinnied.  Now that she was being lathered with love and eating properly the filly was doing much better.  She was starting to fill out and her coat gleamed from Mackenzie’s ministrations.  Her eyes were even shining once again.

            “How’s my girl this morning?” she asked, opening the stall door.

            Bailey whickered and backed up a step to let her friend in.  Mackenzie set the kit down and chose a dandy brush.  She started to brush thin layers of dust off Bailey’s coat.  The roan in her coat was starting to come through more each day.  Her coat was starting to shine a deep blue again in certain lights.  Her eyes started to close as Mackenzie continued to brush her.

            “She’s certainly looking good.  You’ve really brought about a change in her.”

            Mackenzie spun around as Bailey whinnied.  “Caleb!” she said cheerily.  “What brings you here?”

            Caleb smiled, pushing his ball cap up on his head, revealing shining hazel eyes with a hint of green in them.  “Sorry I haven’t been around much, Mackenzie.  I’ve been helping dad with his rounds.”  The teen nodded.  “But a certain someone has been bugging me to meet you, so I agreed to bring her today.  She has lessons today anyhow.”

            “Hey!” a different voice protested.  “You haven’t stopped talking about her since you met her and you’ve only met her twice.  I have a right to meet her.”

            Mackenzie saw Caleb’s face redden, but she kept quiet as she walked to the door of the stall.  A willowy blonde sat in a wheelchair beside Caleb.  Her hair was pulled back in a braid that showed off her beautiful green eyes.  She was really quite pretty.  Although it didn’t look like she had much movement in her legs.  Mackenzie quickly turned her gaze away.

            “Hi, I’m Fern,” the fifteen-year-old said cheerily, nudging Caleb’s leg.

            Caleb jumped a little, causing both girls to giggle.  He glared at Fern.  “My baby sister gets enjoyment out of embarrassing me,” he explained as Fern stuck her tongue out.

            Mackenzie giggled.  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Fern.  Are you looking forward to your lesson today?” she asked, not commenting on Fern’s injured legs.

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