Fields of Chaos

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Okay...the thing I said when Marcel and I joked about the relationship thing. Well we didn't do that usually I just tried to push it away so really I don't honestly know why he did that but Marcs only way of charming a woman was putting his arm round her waist. So the awkwardness in the air was slightly weird. I wondered if everyone else knew about Marcel and I didn't even know the past with Maria and her brother.


I shivered in front of the school gates after having a class after school. Was it worth it? Yes it was my only chance to escape the consuming cold but I was now facing the -6 degrees weather. I checked my phone for hope but remembered that Marcel used it in class for a 'game' I realized to be flirting with some chick. I felt disgusted at the thought. Corahn was visiting his ill grandmother in hospital that he took a day off school. The M&Ms just left school straight.

I saw yellow, dim lights approach my shivering body with me instantly knowing who it was. Craig would always pick me up after school no matter what even though we went different schools. The tinted window was worn down showing his bold jaw line. I climbed into the large Range Rover absorbing the beautiful heat from the car. I gave him a light peck on his warm cheek. "Do you actually think I'm just going to settle for that" he said cupping my face in his hands and kissing me. "Now that's better." I blushed and he noticed though my cheeks were already pink. "You're so warm!" I exclaimed while hugging him.


"Yo. Yo. Yo." was repeated until I had given them my attention. Marcel stared at me. "Gone for pretty long there." he told me while I snatched the blue beanie from his head. "Blue. Blue. Blue. What is so special?" "You'll found out later" he stated but my curiosity started to fill inside me. I looked at Marcel seeing a bloody nose and a bruise on his face I shook my head because I was only remembering a memory.


I kissed Craig secretly hidden behind his car before he drove off. It was football season and I can't be seen with him. The game was between two school rivals and the football team hated Craig's guts. I have managed to stop all the pranks towards him but Craig was vicious on the field. Marcel hated him and I was actually scared on what was going to go down this calming afternoon.

The hours at school seemed to drag and the football decorations slowly starting to annoy me. The cheerleaders squealed to the other end of the corridor screaming "Go Cheetahs!" with all of them either jumping or doing endless cartwheels. I was flexible but I would never be seen dead with those outfits. I stuffed my school belongings into my locker so my arms didn't carry anything and strolled to the football field. I had the school colours streaked horizontally across my milk chocolate cheeks. My ponytail was held by orange and black string and orange cheetah paint marks across the sides of my stomach revealed by my crop top.

Before the game started I sprinted across the field to reach the 'Killer Whales' temporary gym. I walked across smelling the sweaty aroma. I saw the black signature mohawk before squeezing his torso. He turned around with his arms looking even more muscular. "Good Luck" I cheered before giving him a passionate kiss. "Oh I will babe. Remember you're coming round mine." he smiled before running off to the field. His friends gave him hard pats on the back for his remark though there was nothing to it my parents were out of town. Point blank. 

I slid to my seat walking underneath the bleachers seeing the faint shadows of others. Craig's eyes were fixed on me 'You look adorable' he mouthed to me finally noticing my outfit. Craig didn't mind that I supported my school 'I don't want to be the problem.' he always told me. The referee started the game and I stood up screaming "WOOO!"

The game made me really anxious for the end result. I would cheer for both teams I don't care, though no-one heard because of everyone's loud cheers. My butt was actually never on the seat so the person behind me was probably annoyed. The game soon came to a end with the Killer Whales winning though with my team being sour losers they were up to something. I ran up to Marcel "Please don't do anything" I pleaded while he put one arm round my waist which gained Craig's attention. He didn't know about Marcel my friend. Emphasis on friend because he just is. He whispered close to my ear so Craig could see saying "Oh we won't" before jogging off before smacking my butt it was so quick yet hard that I didn't react because he was already gone. Craig came storming towards me "Craig I assure you its nothing. Marcel is just a twat." I stared into my eyes while his anger slowly disappeared. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kiss me. "Trust me his dick will be on a platter before he tries anything." I smiled warmed in Craig's presence.

The Killer Whales and I on Craig's back all walked to their cars. I squinted my eyes looking into Craig's car in the distance seeing two figures making out in front of his car. Let me tell you this Craig's car was thrashed. By thrashed I mean destroyed. He stormed closer to his precious vehicle while his grip on my thighs became tighter. I saw the blue snapbacked boy turn around smirking at Craig while the girl looked shock to see him. ' 

"Sis?" Craig asked raged. Her hair was a wreck and her skirt was perfectly straight but what Marc was holding said otherwise. Her black thong was in Marc's caramel hands. I knew ish was about to go down. "Go home now!" Craig boomed while I felt my self bopping up and down by Craig's rapid breathing. His sister scurried to her car. I was carefully lifted down and was told to go inside his car. A hard punch hit Marc's nose producing a bad crack noise rapidly pouring out blood. The fight became more crazy with bruises on each of them. They were both broken away by their team mates with Craig's muscles bulging with anger and with Marc coughing out some blood. Let's just say Marcel and Craig aren't the greatest friends. Forget that! Let me stop sugar coating it. They aren't even acquaintances.


Drama on the field. Two memories in one. A fraction of Craig's and Hazel's relationship in high school and Marcel and Craig being the best of friends. I don't think I have ended with a memory but I probably have.


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