Woodland Memory

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I sat in the brown, comfy chair which was placed in front of the shop, so you can see people pass by. I held my sliver spoon by the tip, hitting it against the fine china. I treated myself to lemon meringue pie and a cold, thick banana milkshake. I finally have my alone time.

I came to the cafe wearing the same cream jumper with a bold lion's face with my brown shorts, I wore at home. Keeping my legs warm with knee-high white socks and black, low Doc Martens. Tying a brown scarf around my neck. I was near the front of the cafe, so every time the door swung open, I would feel the cold.

I have been here for a hour and the time really seemed to past by. When I was cleaning the room, everything I touched seemed to pound my head with memories. Some left me sobbing, while others hurt too much, I had the chuck them on the floor, to escape the painful memory. I needed to control my emotions and taking care of some of the memories, were going to be the start of heading down that road.

Staying in this café, made me remember when I use to work in a café as a part time job, when I was 16 in the summer. It gave me a way of earning cash and saving up for my future. One of the ways, I got my mini cooper. I wanted to know I was capable of getting my own car. My dad helped me pay for the remaining cost and insurance for my dream car and I got it when I turned eighteen.

The boxes were placed in the back of my car. I shoved them in, when I was filled with many emotions and memories pounding my head. They normally come when I want to remember them, not when they just want to pop up. I shook my head, standing up from my seat and leaving a ten dollar bill. None of the workers ask about my well-being and the long amount of time I stayed here but this place was going down hill, they needed all the tips they could get.

I got in my car, roaming around the town. I left my phone at home because I knew Craig will try to call me or anyone else for that matter. I reached a woodland park. A place kids play in woods, okay that seems like a old man's peverted dream. It's not like that, it's a place were kids get in touch with nature. I had one where I lived when I was child and I guess, the idea is spreading round.

My docs hit the leaf covered floor. I saw kids running about and teenagers kissing in the hut. Parents socialising with others. I smiled how everyone was happy. I don't even know how I feel anymore. I climbed up a ladder which at the end, had a treehouse. It seemed abandoned. I could refurbish this place, so Carter could play here. I could surprise Annalyse and Corahn with it but it sure will take time. There was always a option of either climbing the tree or going up the ladder I always chose the ladder.


'I shall never ever climb a tree.' I said, crossing my arms. I had decided I wouldn't, it is like Lola from Charlie and Lola, when Lola said she won't eat her vegetables. Craig's head peeped out the tree. 'and why not?' he asked. He was already there, while I stood on the bug filled ground. 'I can't get my outfit dirty!' I responded. I wore a white top with a leaf on it, brown cuffed end trousers and brown toms. I had my hair down with a cream bow. I looked quite cute.

Craig sighed. 'So when are you going to get here?' he asked. 'Well I don't know...' I said, shrugging my shoulders, I honestly didn't know how I was going to get up there. 'Well there is a woodlice climbing up your leg.' I shrieked, not even looking down and raced climbing up the tree. I got there and started screaming. 'Get it off. Get it off.' I said closing my eyes, brushing my hands down my leg. 'You are the most fussiest girl I know.' Craig said smiling. We were officially going out and I loved every minute.

We sat down with his arm around my shoulder. 'I quite like this.' I said. 'What? the treehouse?' Craig said. 'Yeah, and the way we are spending time together.' I answered. He kissed my head. 'I sure do too.'

There was no tv in the treehouse but we created our own fun. We played would you rather, truth or dare and how long can we kiss. Well, the last one isn't a game but phuck what you think.

After we pigged out on snacks, we went to the swings. Craig sat down on the log appearance swing while I sat on his lap with my face facing him. 'You know we can't swing like this but I sure do love this position.' Craig stated, smirking. I wrapped my legs around him and he had his arms round my waist, for support. I love it how I can speak to him like a friend and a boyfriend. It made our relationship even better. 'I love you' 'I love you too' we both said while Craig slowly swung as our lips crashed together, moving in sync.


I smiled climbing down the treehouse. I saw a teenager boy pushing a girl on the swing. It was adorable, how he tried to impress her. It sure did work because she was blushing like a tomato.

I brushed my feet against the floor, taking in the scenery. I got to my car and tapped on the steering wheel. I turned my head to glance at the back, seeing the boxes stacked. It all contained stuff related to Zia, Craig was right I do need to let go and that's what I'm doing. I might decide what to do with them when I get home. My time alone made be realised how much Craig cared. Though you need time alone, I really wanted to see my husband. A person who was capable of making you fall in love with them, with no single regret.


Happy New Year. I hope this year will be better than the previous. I have made a resolution to be less shy and speak to more people. Have a range of friends. Though I am grateful for the ones I have. Thank God for making me see another year. Another year to improve. Another year, where I will not be brought down and ignore the negative comments. Another year, to show my talents and I hope you do the same. I had homemade thick cinnamon rolls. Lush. Stay blessed.


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