Finding Out

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I gained the strength, to lift my body up as I dragged my body towards my car. Maybe, it was worse than I described. I turned towards the shop, to see the man standing in shock. Not one flinch of movement. That's great. Best employee of the year.

I got to the opened door of my range, glancing everywhere. Nothing stolen? I am tired and pretty bruised, well I think. I sat in the leather chair, titling my head back in agony. Blood dripping from my hand and congealed blood on my bottom lip. I slammed my head against the chair, thinking of how stupid I was during this anonymous encounter.


I flipped my body the other side, hoping to see his face. My smile faded as I saw no-one. I was in bed and planned to stay that way for a while. I heard the television running, hearing PB&J Otter. A tear fell from my cheek, did he really go and I was that stupid enough to not agree with his decision. The last words I told him, were full of hate. I shoved my head in the pillow, forcing myself to go back to sleep. I just don't want to go through this again.


I shuffled in my sleep with sweet thoughts. The bed sheets around me, as I tried to avoid the breeze. I smiled to myself, knowing when I turned around his face will be there. He made me a candle lit dinner last night, the least he deserved was a great night in bed. This man is a night owl, I think that's all I should tell you.

He wasn't there, probably in the shower. I got out of bed, putting on a bathrobe. I lightly went downstairs, I could treat him to breakfast too. I put the berries in the blender and got out a pan. Putting the eggs on the counter, getting the rest of the ingredients. I was thinking Grandma's way of breakfast. She always said 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach', I remembered her voice telling me.

I hummed in my head, laying the food on the table. I flowed through the kitchen, putting the final touches on the table. Now to wait for Craig. The front door opened as I heard footsteps and the sound of something rolling. I turned towards the door with a glowing smile. I looked at him confused with a suitcase in his hand. "W-where ya you g-going babe?"


I sat at the round table in the hotel, or as I think of it being an apartment. Craig's new job and all. I stared at my porridge with scattered strawberries. Craig loves the strawberry and...I can't put my finger on it; it is half past 7 but I can just settle for Golden syrup flavour. I didn't end up sleeping, my thoughts scratched my brain so I forced myself out of bed.

I think I may go for a jog today, I told myself, remembering my outfit of purple jeans, pastel blue bra and a grey hoodie. I swung my feet in the air, looking at the black and grey Jordans in awe. I hadn't checked my phone all morning. I just woke up, brush teeth, shower, clothes and food since. I already had disappointment with not seeing him in the morning, but might as well take the chance now. "Night beautiful. Loving how you're still on my mind at 11pm. Never forget our lov-" the text read. With each word I mumbled to myself reading out loud, the cage of butterflies were released. Wonder why the text was cut short, most probably ran out of text. I'm glad that the cloud of doubt just turned into a rainbow.

I stirred my spoon around my bowl, just contemplating. Maria sure was stubborn last night. Did it not sink into her, my view. I don't blame her for sticking up for her brother, but little Marcie isn't the same. He was and still is a bad influence on her. She changes once she's around him. All defensive and rude, acting stubborn not letting the other get their view across. This was Maria for you, I loved her and all but it sure was getting to me. Only time will tell until she realises, let's just hope soon.

I got out my chair and shook my head, I don't need these thoughts in the morning. I had already had things balanced on my plate. Well not that much but I'm not really in the mood. My phone rang with me seeing an unfamiliar number. "Hello?" I said with the hint of confusion. "Hello Mrs C-Crippen, this is the hospitial near you waiting for your arrival. Your husband is here and wanted to be given a visit from you" I was told. I stayed on the line for a while after getting walking directions to the hospital.

I was over the moon! I ran out the hotel room, grabbing my phone on the way. I was in front of the elevator waiting for my level, through it wanted to take its blessed time. I took the stairs instead. If you're wondering I'm not happy that he's in hospital but that his ass is still in Detroit and also, that wasn't the last time I saw him.

I played with my thumbs, waiting for a taxi. I took some chicken change on the way. I am not good with long distance relationships you see. I barely survived recently. It's so sudden when he leaves and I try get over it but it ends up creeping up to me. I'm glad I had memories though, it makes me feel not as much alone.

No taxi offered to take a raging, overly excited lady to the hospital. So I had to stick to walking. An hour later, I gained the power to run to the front desk. "I'm Mrs Crippen. W-where is Mr Crippen's room?" I asked, panting. "Walk down this corridor, take a left and the first door on your right" she smiled. "Thank you!" I whispered.

I knocked on the door, walking in after being approved. "Ah Mrs Crippen, we were just talking about you. Craig is well but has a couple of bruises here and there, which will heal in time. He blacked out in the middle of the night due to tiredness and the sudden attack. On the other hand, he is fit to go home and I will check him out" he told me. I replied "mhmm" at the right time, though my eyes were just fixed on Craig. I snapped out of it after he finished his sentence. "Thank you Doctor" I smiled.

As soon as the door closed, I instantly ran to Craig, sitting on the side of the bed. "Eager I see" he chuckled. I crashed my lips onto his, as our mouths moved in sync. Taking out all the emotions we felt, in the kiss. We broke away slowly. He looked at my lip, biting his, then my eyes and then back at my lips. We kissed again as I smiled during the kiss. He bit my lip, making me gasp as he slid his tongue in. Our tongues were soon playing with each other as I felt my ears become red.

"We have the time you know" Craig smirked after we stopped the make out session. "Oh really" I said, brushing my hand on his neck. I was already glued to him. "If you're thinking what I'm thinking" he said, as his deep voice rang in my ears. "Oh I am" I said, getting closer to him. I got into his bed and got the remote quickly, facing towards the tv. I giggled at him as he put on a blank face. "I'll give you some as a leaving gift" I whispered, in his ear.

"So you've made up your mind I see" he said, putting his arms around my waist. I forgot I was a bra and hoodie, so I felt his body warmth around my stomach. I pushed my head back, so it was on his shoulder. "I guess I have" I smiled. We shared a light peck before his phone rang. He sat up as I moved to the side of the bed, focusing my attention on Adventure Time.

"Morning sir...I'm at the hospital! I'm fit at the moment. Just was randomly attacked last night" he responded, rubbing his hands on my belly. I had a shocked look on my face when i heard that but he mouthed me 'Don't worry'. He chuckled, which made me smile. "There is no need for a lawyer...yes I can assure you. Don't wanna go court twice in a month... I'll be just fine...yes, I'll be there...I should be there on Saturday...have a good day..thank you...bye." He hung up.

I turned around facing him, with furrowed eyebrows. "This Saturday?" I choked. It was already Thursday, meaning we would leave today or tomorrow morning. He nodded slowly, "I moved it ahead. Just wanted the year to come and go as quickly as possible" he admitted, holding my hand. "So when are we leaving" I said lowly. He lifted my chin up, "Please don't be down. I will make it up to you today I promise" he said, kissing my hand, "We'll leave this evening, yeah?" I nodded and got out of bed as I whispered, "Yeah sure"


When the character is just like the original.

This story is also coming to an end -gets boxes of tissues- only a few chapters like 3 left. Late notice but ahhh :'(


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