Chapter 5

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Iris pov *

« I am fine Mum and yes I eat well don't worry"

"I really hope we are close to each other so that I can look after you" Mom said

"You now I am 26 years old Mum I can take care of myself"

"Yes but you will always be my little baby girl"

I smiled at her words she is the best Mom ever.

"Speaking about baby how is Dimi"

"He is fine, he is so excited about the school trip"

"What school trip?" I asked

"They are going in a camp for a week"


"In 3 weeks and he doesn't stop speaking about it"

"It is going to be the first time he will go somewhere with his friends so it's understandable" I said with a smile thinking that my little brother is almost a man now

"And your work how is it. Mr Clark is fine" Mom asked

"Yes as usual, but Mr Clark quit it's his son who take the command now"

"Oh good then, it was time for him to rest I guess"

"Yes, take care of yourself Mum I am going to prepare my lunch"

"Ok sweetie go ahead I love you"

"I love you too kiss Dimitri for me" I added

"I will bye"

My Mom and my brother are my world and I miss them so badly I can't wait Christmas to be with them. But now I have to do my household chores. We are already Sunday; I spent all my Saturday working on the files giving me by my boss. So today is for me to rest to cook to eat something delicious and make this apartment clean for starting the week on the right foot.

After like 3 hours of intense work; I can enjoy my creamy pasta in front of a good movie.


Standing in the coffee room making the coffee for Adam I said to myself I need one too. My weekend was not of all rest so a strong black coffee is more than necessary.

I made my way to my office took my notebook before give him his coffee.

"Good morning Sir"

Silence like always.

"You have a meeting at 10 with Mr Peterson for 2 hours and after that a lunch with Mr Cooper I already made the reservation at 'Au chateau'. The afternoon is cleared you have just to make some call"

He listened to me while sipping his coffee without a word or a glance.

"Good, prepare the meeting room and you have to be present during the meeting"

Oh no I don't to be with this Peterson guy, he is a pervert always flirting with every woman he crossed. I am not comfortable around him. But of course I can't say that.

"Yes Sir" I simply replied

"Where is the files I gave you Friday I hope you finished them" He asked with a frown

"Yes Sir I will bring them"

He just hummed and turned on his laptop. After giving him his files I rushed to take my coffee and started preparing the meeting room.

The time went so fast; it's already 9.50. The elevator opened revealing pervert Peterson with his assistant following

I stood up and went towards him

"Hello Mr Peterson" I said with a fake smile

"Hello Iris it's been a while; let me tell you, you become more beautiful day by day" He said detailing me from head to toe with his vicious eyes.

Arrgghh I hate him

"Thank you Mr Peterson, hello Martin" I greeted his assistant who is a nice guy

"If you will follow me"

I accompanied them to the meeting room and called Adam. The meeting was going well, Adam and Peterson discussing; Martin and me taking notes until Mr Pervert spoke about an event.

"I want to invite you at the Gala I made every year; it will be the first time with you so I hope you will come"

"Yes of course it will be a pleasure Mr Peterson" Adam said politely

Peterson laid his eyes on me and added with a smirk

"Iris I want you to come as well"

"I am going to try Mr Peterson" I replied but of course I am not going to his damn gala

"No I don't want any excuse Iris I will be very disappointed if you don't come" He said while coming towards me. He was so near that I took a step back to preserve my living space.

I just nodded with a nervous smile hoping he will go away but no this kinky has another project. He took my hand in his caressing it with his thumb.

Oh my God it is the first time he went this far and touched me. I tried to jerk my hand from his grip but he hold it tightly.

I looked at Adam who was glaring at me with clenched fists and his face was red with anger.

After like an eternity I was able to get my hand back.

"I am counting on you Mr Wyatt; I want to see you at my gala with Miss Olsen"

"Yes Mr Peterson" Adam replied with a cold tone

Peterson looked at him for a second and took his leave not before winked at me.

Please save me from this man. He has no shame.

Once the elevator closed in on them Adam returned to his office slamming the door violently in the process. I let out a deep breath, he is pissed but I was glad he did not say anything to me. The week has only just begun it's too early for me to support his rude words.

Few moments later I saw him quit the office for his next meeting I guess, without a word for me. I didn't see him after that.

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