Chapter 26

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Iris pov*

Making a choice is always hard; it's been almost two hours I was trying and passing several dresses and every time there was something wrong : too large, too tight, too vulgar, too plain...

I decided to try in other shop maybe I will be more lucky walking in the street; looking around my eyes fell on a black sublime dress. That's the one...

"Oh dear this dress was made for you" The saleswoman said with enthusiasm

I smiled looking at my reflexion

"Yes...I will take it"

"Excellent choice" She added

A good thing done, I looked at my watch still one hour before my appointment with the hairdresser and the makeup artist so I will grab a coffee and relax a little bit before the stress I will face this evening. It's not that I am not happy it's just being surrounded by classy people judging you is far to be my cup of tea. Anyway I will do it for Adam, the last time I was with him in a gala was catastrophic so I hope this time it will be better, because this time it's different he asked me to be his date. Sipping my coffee I smiled at the memories we made these last weeks, we have become inseparable, we spent all our time together during the week I sleep almost every day in his house because it's closer from the company and the week end Adam came at mine. I remember one week-end I went to my apartment and didn't propose him to come because I wanted for us to have some space from each other, I mean being in his arms was amazing and we craved each other but I didn't want to seem like the clingy one but I was woken up in the middle of the night by strong knocks on my door. I opened it finding an Adam in a jacket over his night's clothes and a bag in his hand. 'I couldn't sleep without you' it's all he said before dragging me with him to my bedroom where he took off his clothes except his jogger he made himself comfortable in my bed and slept with his arm tight on my waist and his face in my neck. From this time he didn't let me alone at night, we were apart just when he was in a business trip. I don't know what exactly our relation is because he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend officially but he behaved with me like I was one and my feelings get stronger day by day. I am happy very happy I hope this feeling will last.


I felt Adam's hand in mine squeezing it, he felt my stress.

"Don't be nervous love, ok" He said giving me a kiss on my knuckles

He opened the car's door for me and helped me get out of it. I took a deep breath seeing all the journalists and the crowd. Adam bent and whispered

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are?"

I nodded and smiled at him he was so sweet.

"Let's go" He added walking but not before taking my hand in his.

But it was short-lived because as soon as we entered and he saw some business men he let it slip and walked in front of me towards them, telling I wasn't upset is certainly a lie but I tried to ignore it and followed him.

"Good evening gentlemen, ladies" Adam said shaking hands with the men and kissing women's hand.

"Good evening Adam, how are you? And your father"

"I am doing good thanks" He replied

After exchanging some formalities he decided to introduce me

"Meet Miss Iris Olsen" Adam simply said

"Who is she for you" One brunette asked looking at me from top to bottom

"She is my personal assistant" he replied without looking at me. My heart just broke at his statement "How do you think he will introduce you his girlfriend, his lover" my mind mocked me. I quickly recovered and put a fake smile on my face masking my hurt, after all I am the queen of pretending that's everything is ok I did it my entire life.

We chatted for a while until it was time for dinner, I was supposed to be next him but a woman literally pushed me and took my place, my mouth was open wide at her behaviour, did she think we are still in high school pathetic girl. Adam just smiled at her masking his surprise but did say nothing. I shook my head giving up and made my way to another seat. After like two hours we finally took our leave, Adam drive me home, we didn't talk much it was completely fine with me. Fortunately he had to go to his parents' house and spend the Sunday with them so I was more than relieved to be alone for this night and until Monday.

The rest of my week-end was not better than the chaotic party, I kept thinking about Adam's word and behaviour. He was like ashamed of me; maybe I was good behind closed doors but not enough to be with him... Yes I was blinded by happiness and living in my own bubble that I didn't realise that.

I made two coffee one for me and for my boss and walked to his office. Adam was taking off his blazer and putting it on his chair.

"Here is your coffee" I said and started to read his schedule for the day without losing time. He walked towards me and cupped my face and gave me a tender kiss on the lips stopping my speech.

"Well good morning baby" he said rubbing his thumb on my cheek

"Good morning" I replied. He smiled at me and made his way to his seat.

"I called you several times yesterday" He said like more a question

"Yeah I was busy and tired so..."

"Are you ok?" He asked frowning

"Yes" I replied quickly and walked out. It was that or I will explode in front of him. The morning run fast and it was lunch time and usually we ate together but not today I was not in the mood to play the girlfriend role that I thought I was... I quickly grabbed my purse and went to take my lunch at the dinner on the corner. Like ten minutes later my phone started ringing it was Adam of course so I ignored it. He kept calling like twenty times and eventually gave up. When I returned to my box I found him standing on my door arms crossed and clearly pissed.

"In my" He said sternly

He locked the door behind us and walked to me with his hands in his pants pockets.

"Now tell me what your problem is?"


He cut me off harshly "Don't test my patience Iris... Explain yourself"

I didn't respond

"I am waiting" He added. I walked to the windows looking at the view and trying to collect all my courage. I sighed and turned to face him

"I... I don't want to be just the assistant who slept with her boss"

He widened his eyes at me "What..."

"No Adam I don't want to be a cliché... I know that you are ashamed of me; you are ok to have a called relationship with me as long as no one is aware of it... And I am not ok with it. I know that I am not a woman you can be proud to walk with in front of others and you certainly date better women but I won't accept to be the girl you kept aside for you pleasure"

"From where this is coming from I am not ashamed of you!" He said between his teeth

"That's why you introduced me as you Pa? not your girlfriend, your date or even... your damn friend! You even let go of my hand and didn't touch me once we were inside " I said raising my voice. I massaged my eyes to calm down and continued

"Listen Adam I... I've always dreamed to have someone to call mine. Someone to hold my hand proudly, someone who will feel complete beside me and empty when I am away... Someone who... who want to achieve his dreams with me, to will be eager to spent every moment of his life with me! Simply someone who will love me endlessly for what I am! I want to be the one...the only one for someone and if this someone is not you then... I prefer to stop whatever is between us"

I finished mentioning with my hand between us. I was so concentrated at my words I didn't feel my tears flowing; I wiped them harshly and stormed out of the room. He didn't stop me nor come after me. After like half an hour he left the office without a glance towards me.

That's it, that's my answer. 

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