Chapter 7

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Iris pov*

« Let's go » Adam said to me when he passed in front of my office.

I looked at the time it's already 12.30pm we have to be at the restaurant in 20 minutes to meet Mr Dawson.

I took my stuffs quickly and run to the elevator where Adam was waiting for me. I went behind him on the corner while he pressed the button.

Once we reached the parking I was going to my car when he called me

"Where are you going?"

"To my car"

"We are going to the same place so why do you want to take 2 cars"

"I thought you want to go alone" I replied

"Just come we will be late" He said coldly

I followed him to his luxurious car and step inside the passenger seat. The car was amazing and smells just like him so good.

"Seatbelt" Adam said bringing me from my thoughts

He is concentrated on driving so I took the opportunity to look at his beautiful contours which made me fall so madly in love with him years ago, sharp jaw surrounded by a slight beard, straight nose, pale brown hair and delicious lips. He is definitely the most handsome man I have ever seen. But it was not the only thing that made me love him. He was a sweet and nice guy when we were in college together but that was just old memory.

We reached the restaurant in no time; I was so lost in my memories that I didn't realize we have arrived until I heard Adam closed his door.

I quickly undone my seatbelt and followed him.

"Hello Sir" The waiter said

"Hello there is a reservation under Wyatt"

"For 4 persons?" The waiter asked

"Yes" Adam replied

"If you will follow me Sir"

We walked behind him and sat in silence while Adam was tapping on his phone waiting for Mr Dawson and Melissa.

After like ten minutes they were here. We both stood up

"Mr Dawson" Adam said and shook hand with him and did the same with Melissa but their hands stay longer stuck and their eyes too.

I greeted Mr Dawson and Melissa and sat.

"So how are you Iris long time no see" Mr Dawson asked

"Yes, I am fine thank you how Mrs Dawson is"

"Fine probably enjoying a lunch with her friends when I am here working" He joked

I smiled at him; he is a good man who reminds me of Mr Clark.

"Let's order first" Adam said

"Yes I am so hungry" Mr Dawson replied

The waiter came and gave us the menu, the meal was so expensive so I decide to order just one meal.

"Do you make your choice" Adam said talking to Mr Dawson

"Yes the chicken salad and lasagne with white wine"

I was the last who order a vegetarian cannelloni, when Melissa spoke

"That's all? You are sure it's enough for you Iris"

I saw her boss glaring at her and Adam just bent his face. I know what she implied it's enough for a fat girl like you to eat just one small meal but I won't give her the pleasure to make me uncomfortable so I replied with my best smile

"Yes thank you for asking Melissa but I am not that hungry"


We were chatting or must I say Mr Dawson and me were chatting when Adam and Melissa were in their own world flirting. I never saw my boss smiling like that in the office like he is now. Seeing him giving her his beautiful smile I felt jealous somehow but I chased this feeling right away.

Who might be mad at him after all, Melissa is gorgeous the perfect woman. She is tall, slim with bright blue eyes, plumping lips and perfect teeth, her dress drawing her perfect body. Every normal man will fall for her charm and she knows that very well.

The waiters bring our plate and we ate the delicious food. After that the men discussed for a long time and finally they've come to an agreement. I saw relief on Adam's face. Mr Dawson's phone rang and he excused himself. So I was there with Adam and Melissa like the third wheel of the carriage.

"Congratulations Mr Wyatt" Melissa said batting her eyelashes

"Thank you Melissa and call me Adam please"

They looked at each other shamefully. I rolled my eyes at them. They behave like they were alone in the world.

The return of Mr Dawson bring them back from their trance.

"I am sorry Mr Wyatt I have to go but Melissa will finalize everything with you"

"Ok Mr Dawson no problem" Adam said getting up and shook hands with him

"Excuse me really but it's a personal emergency and I can't do otherwise"

"You can rest easy I will see with Melissa everything will be fine" Adam said again

Mr Dawson was about to pay when Adam stopped him

"It's on me Mr Dawson"

"Thank you Mr Wyatt...Iris" He nodded towards me before walking away.

We made our way towards the exit and the valet gave Adam his keys.

"Do you have your car Melissa" Adam asked

"No I came with Mr Dawson"

"In this case why we don't go somewhere else to close the deal"

"Yes with pleasure" She replied with honeyed voice

I was standing behind them quietly when Adam faced me

"Iris take a taxi to the company I will come back later" He said with his stupid cold face


Of course what I did expect I felt so embarrassed but kept a poker face in front of them especially when I saw the smirk smile on Melissa's face.

"Yes sure" I replied

Without any other word he opened the door for her and she sat quickly in the passenger seat.

He knows how to be a gentleman when he wants to my mind said

I looked at the car starting at full speed and disappear.

I am not surprised that's my life. Melissa is the girl who gets escorted and I am the one we leave on the side of the road and that will never change.

I let out a deep breath and ignoring the look of pity the valet was giving me I decided to walk a little to clear my head before taking a taxi back to work.


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