At the end of the day

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Background: Real life

Enjoy :)


"Techno... you have to sleep."

"I can't Will, editin' has to be done," A semi-drowsy Technoblade mumbled through the back of his palm. He'd spent all week working on this video idea and it just didn't seem to be working. The expectation was higher now that his fans expected content.

He'd dug himself into a hole and he was trying to get out.

"Please?" Wilbur pleaded in that soft voice of his, that one that you would use on a baby you were trying to lull to sleep.

The dirty bastard.

"Will, I can't let down my fans. I have a deadline and-" Techno couldn't finish before a pair of lanky arms encircled his waist from behind the chair, damn it.

Techno continued to work on his computer in this position, Will's head comfortably rested on Techno's shoulder. That is until he got restless.

"Techno, it's 1 am. Don't make me wake up Phil and Tommy. I know you have a soft spot for Tommy." Techno sighed as he felt Wilbur's chin rub against his shoulder as he spoke, his hot breath somehow reaching his ear.

"We... We could watch a movie instead?" Wilbur suggested innocently, still not releasing his tight grip just above his brother's hip.


Techno closed down his computer, making sure to save the files under multiple folders. He'd decided that his family came before his fans. They could wait another day or two. He would rather angry fans than an upset Wilbur; it broke his heart.

"Well come on then Will, wouldn't want to hear the birds chirpin' before the movie ends."

Techno slowly unwrapped himself from Wilbur's grip as the tired brunette stood back up with his hands on the back of the chair. Once his eyes had adjusted to the new lighting of his room void his monitor, the dark circles around Will's eyes were much more prominent.

Poor Wilbur cared more about his family than he himself.

Will was so tired he had to be dragged down the stairs to the living room. A four-seater couch sat nicely in the middle of the room in front of the T.V., where the four brothers would spend their time together whenever they weren't busy.

Grabbing the blankets that were already there from the last movie marathon they'd had, Techno gently shoved a sleepy Wilbur onto his side of the couch and took two long strides to the DVD cabinet. He'd decided on a new movie a few hours ago when he'd zoned out.

He tended to think about things to do with his loved ones whenever he was stressed. Techno still wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Once the movie was playing, one Techno pulled one sleepy Wilbur into a safe hold. Wilbur had a tendency to have sleep troubles, so Techno felt grateful that he was able to help the older drift off to sleep.

Little snores came from Will, and Techno smiled gently as he ruffled the soft hair that was usually covered by his beanie. It was calming; Wilbur in his lap, the movie playing softly in the background. He thinks it's a rom-com, but he wasn't too sure.

Techno let his head fall back on the plush pillow behind him, his vision finally blurring, preparing for sleep.


Techno's head twisted to the side to see two slightly slouched figures in the hallway. Tommy was rubbing his eyes as he started to walk towards the couch, Phil not far behind the youngest. Techno opened his arms for Tommy to come and sit with him. Tommy didn't hesitate and snuggled up into the pinkette's chest, making sure to not disturb the sleeping boy on his lap.

Phil came and took his spot on the far left and encased Tommy on his other side, the boys becoming tangled among each other.

Techno once again fell back into a comfortable position and awaited sleep.

At the end of the day, Wilbur and Phil were the most caring and fun people he'd ever met.

At the end of the day, Tommy was always that little brother who everyone adored.

At the end of the day, Techno would do anything to keep his family the way it was.


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