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Inspired by: MCYT SBI OneShots by cqyeen

Triggers: Neglect

Background: Medieval AU


The Hardcore Kingdom sure did prosper under the rule of Philza, the first son of the king before him. The family were known as the highest achieving royal bloodline in the whole world, making them targets and good allies.

The four brothers of the royal family used to be really close when they were younger, but they started to fall apart as more and more responsibilities were placed upon them. One became the king, one became the best knight in the kingdom, and the other became one of the best diplomats and musicians. 

So what was he?

Tommy sighed as he looked away from the family photo. It was taken about a year ago when he was adopted into the family. He never knew why the royal family would have any business with adopting the boy who had been kicked out. His adoptive brothers had all been born and raised as royals, the best in the business.

How was he supposed to be someone great when he was constantly cast into the shadows of his older brothers. He didn't even act like a prince. 

Tommy stood up and moved away from his bed, drowning in the silence drifting throughout the large bedroom. He moved through the massive double doors and entered the hallway. Tommy shivered as an unwelcoming breeze wafted through the halls and into his room. He never hated the castle (the orphanage was worse), but sometimes he just wished someone was there to walk the long halls with.

Tommy was in his commoner clothes. They were dirty and well used, as he'd asked one of the servants for one pair and was never able to wash it to avoid suspicion. 

The lanky sixteen-year-old boy had business lessons in about 2 hours, and he figured that it was enough time to go for a visit to his best friend from another kingdom very near his own. 

Tommy ran through the hallways, the only noises being the slapping of cheap shoes against cold pavement. Tommy remembered the first time he was in the hallways, it was warm and welcoming, the servents were friendly and greeted him as he walked by. It was a good thing that the kingdom had been doing well under Phil's control, but the wars had amped up a lot since then as well. 

He slowed down to a brisk walk as he nodded to the guards standing in front of the castle entrance, handing them a sum of money. There was only one guard that ever knew of his endeavours, and his name was TimeDeo. TimeDeo was a good friend of Tommy's before he was kicked out of his home and it just seemed to be fate that they found each other again, but in different circumstances.

Walking happily through the small town that sat right next to the castle, Tommy couldn't help but smile at the small children's laughter as they played a game of tag while the adults watched them proudly.

Tommy always loved how he seemed to fit in with the hardworking citizens of the kingdom. Not many people knew his face, and in some cases that was a bad thing. In times like this, it gave him a certain freedom that nothing else could replace. Nobody in the royal family knew what this felt like, and it made Tommy feel somewhat special.

Once he reached the edge of the town, he was able to run swiftly in the forest. If he ran fast enough, he would be able to talk to his friend for at least an hour before he had to go back. Tommy couldn't help but throw his hands out by his side as he ran along, similarly to a child imitating a plane. It made him less aerodynamic and much slower, but Tommy still happily laughed as he dodged through trees and followed a small trail that only he and one other knew off. 

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