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1 week later on the date of the date.

Both Felix and Chan had mutually decided to go to Chans tree house at night time as it was better.


He was beautiful - a word I use to describe that combination of being attractive, funny, talented and wise.

The tree house was quite a long drive away, but the time flew by. Just being in his presence was intoxicating. His gentle accent and sweet perfume made simply chatting with him about daily happenings a sensual experience.

We were seated in the middle of the small house with full access to the window. We wanted to stargaze, we both had brought food with us kind of like a picnic date. I could not decorate it much, it was filled with Christmas lights are they were the only ones I could get, well it was end of November already what could I expect.

We had a blanket over us, so we could cuddle all we need at this cold weather. I had prepared some hot chocolate so it was perfect.

We were together at the perfect moment, in the perfect place - and that was enough to make it memorable. We talked and talked...about our lives, past loves, dreams, families.
Another hell of a ride started. I felt a sense of closeness, stronger than before. I could feel his heartbeat. I loved the way I felt with him. I just wanted those moments to freeze and wondered if he too felt the same.

Suddenly as I was drowning into his eyes, he asked me,

"What is love to you?"

"Well love, for me, love is the most secure feeling. Love is having a companion, best friend, lover, partner, sounding board, cheerleader, advisor, and cuddle buddy through every avenue in the journey of life. Love is a sentiment not able to be characterized by words.

Love is completely opening up and sharing your feelings and life with them daily, that's what constitutes a healthy relationship. But, it must be mutual. If a particular area is lacking on either side of the relationship, it makes it unideal and unhealthy. If we are specking about relationships, the key to success in a healthy relationship with someone is actually the terrifying but necessary effort of commitment. My

Being there for someone is what a real relationship needs. When we neglect to put in the effort is when things don't work out with someone that could have been perfect for us. If you put in that extra effort for someone that can reciprocate it, love can be the greatest feeling one can ever feel."

Felix was speechless I could see.

"No wonder you are a writer!" he suddenly responded.

"Yea, you know this is one of the best dates ever" I replied,

"You know I could make this even better!" he said.


Without wasting time he crashed his lips onto mine.

My Love, My Sunshine (Chanlix)[ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now