Chans POV

I glanced in Felix’s way he was crying, his pretty face was stained with tears.

“Babe, why are you crying?” I asked, concern visible in my eyes.

“It’s nothing” he told me, I knew it was something big but I did not want to push my limits. Even though, communication is the key sometimes we have to let things go and ask on later. Some people might say, “In a relationship you shouldn’t hide anything from your lover” but everyone needs some privacy no matter what. No one tells the whole story, one way or other you hide something from everyone.

For us to believe in what we seek, we must know what it means to be what we don't want to be. Being sad makes you realize how valuable being happy is. Being weak makes you know what it means to be strong. Being helpless makes you determined to be helpful. Mistakes happen, awful things might happen in one's life. But by looking at the bright sides of things, you might just be able to smile forever in life.

I trust Felix with all my heart because I love him, some part of me also trusts and gives Felix the privacy he wants because I don’t want to lose him because of him, I feel like I seek to belong with him and if I don’t give him trust, I won’t be able to belong. But then I remember someone’s words,

“Once you stop seeking to belong, you can accept that you belong in a way that is secure and deep. When you ask if you belong you give someone else power and power corrupts. So have the courage to simply be yourself and tell yourself that you belong. When you do that your confidence will grow and others will see in you that you have accepted the land beneath your soles and it has accepted you.”

I look at Felix, felling butterflies in my stomach. I feel good vibes bursting through me.

These good vibrations calm my inner storm to a soothing onshore breeze. They take what jangled and make the softest of music, a melody I could dance to for the rest of my life. So keep on sending me those good vibes, baby, and I will send you mine. For with feelings such as these, every day is summer no matter the weather.

There was something about Felix that drew people to him. I guess it didn't hurt that he was a good looking boy; but it was more than that. He was quiet, but not out of painful shyness. It was a reserved ness, like a conscious choice to observe the lie of the land before he got involved. Yet he wasn't stand-offish, he remained friendly faced and welcoming in body posture. It wasn't like he sat down one day and planned to be like that, it's just the way he was. I never saw him go out and deliberately make a friend, they just came to him. There was nothing threatening about him, nothing at all. He was an easy listener, a good audience, giving encouraging feedback laced with intelligent comments. He worked hard, he got his work done. Even though all of this there was still lots of confidence filled in him.

I was drowning in my thoughts as usual but then I caught him staring at me,

Is it just me or do you love the feeling when you catch someone staring at you? I mean, it sort of boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel giddy and immature all at the same time.

I also looked into his eyes.

He had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because he was so disarmingly unaware of his prettiness. His skin was completely flawless. I doubt he used face masks or expensive products, that really wasn't his mo. he was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around him to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why his skin glowed so, it was his inner beauty that lit his eyes and softened his features.

“You are beautiful” I said, I meant it with my whole heart. I don’t compliment people easily, that just the way I am but this was different. I meant it, I truly meant it.

His face wasn't anything extraordinary or significant, and yet, I felt somehow magically draw to those serious and silent features. Though he always avoided my gaze, I couldn't help but notice his skin and lack of makeup, along with his always messy hairstyles. Perhaps many would consider him homely, but I found him awe-striking.

“Thanks” he said, he was clearly blushing.
It was the blush of roses that peek of champagne pink. The color infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile and his eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness can bring.

As he attempted to hide his face behind his chalky-white fingers, his cheeks became a color to rival the rose-pink hue of his nail polish, and shone through the gaps.

“You are also very handsome “he said again,
We stared back at each other for what seemed like hours until he finally dropped his gaze,

“And there’s one more thing,” his voice was quieter now, less sure.

He looked back up at me. I held my breath as he came closer and closer to me tentatively pressed her soft lips to mine.

My Love, My Sunshine (Chanlix)[ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now