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Chan stopped writing, he had finally gotten a nice chapter that he was very much satisfied with.

He looked up to see if the boy was there or not, to his huge disappointment he was not there.

It was already the evening, he house go back to his house. Maybe his house mate was already home by now. He went back, his day was blessed. The smile is his face was evident.

He did not notice that he already reached his house. He was all happy and ready to tell his house mate about it.

He entered to see his friend Jisung on the couch, he was chatting with someone in the phone.

"Hey mate" he said

"Hey, you look like shit where were you?" his friend replies with.

Chan closed the door and sat next to him..


"Yes? Do I ever lie?"

"You do anyways, who are you texting? I don't remember you having so many friends?"

"Oh I am texting the guy who lives in the house besides us"

"Wait wasn't that house like abandoned or something?"

"You would have known if you weren't busy writing that shit ass story anyways the Lee's moved here last week"


"You know the Lee's oldest son is so hot, damn"

"Jisung give him a break they moved here last week"

"you won't be saying that if you meet the youngest son, he's your type"

"How do u know my type?"

"Actually I don't but I know you would like anyone who's over 18 and a male"

"Can't argue with that"

"Did you have something to eat? I am hungry"


"What about those strawberries in the fridge?"

"Don't eat them, those are for me"

"Oh actually I already ate them, I was just looking for approval if you would say yes or no if I asked"

"You little sh-."

A knock could be heard from the door, Chan being the responsible adult of the house and actually being able to communicate with people without flirting or saying useless things answered the door.

"Hello" Chan said while opening the door

"Hey! I'm Felix I just moved here and came to give you this" a deep voice replied.

Chan was shocked, it was the same guy he had met. The smile still so pretty and his voice did not match his voice but he still loved it..

"Oh yea what is it?" Chan said trying not to shutter and succeeding, looking at the small box wrapped in ammonium foil.

"It's some brownies" Felix hands Chan the brownies.

"Bye, see you around" Felix continues and leaves.

Chan felt the urge, the urge to write about him again and now that he was able to see more features he could write more. He shut the door.

"See I told you, that's the youngest lee" his friend replied with.

Without speaking Chan gave his friend the brownies and ran to his room to write about him again.

Brown Eyes

His eyes hit like a morning joint and a cup of dark roast. They touch like a summer breeze on lake-soaked skin.

His brown eyes are like the deep intoxication of campaign wine, bubbling with hazing richness and expensive taste. His eyes remind me of Dove chocolate, smooth, creamy, delectable, and melting.

His brown eyes,

Brown eyes are like the nutrient earth, allowing life to foster and thrive, and receiving health and without question- a crutch to lean on when feeling weak. Brown eyes are like the cuddles of a coco teddy bear- snuggling, inviting, and unquestionable at comforting and calming you. Brown is the color of the sun's kisses, so brown eyes are the sun's ultimate love in heated warmth showing compassion and silent understanding in the sun's favor.

Brown eyes are like the stable ground, steadier and prepared to embrace you when you fall, into a nurturing and warm blanket of love. The color of brown is like the color of finches- tangible, but always able to soar with coaxing an indulgence.

Brown eyes remind me of ginger bread, with a spicy exoticism that makes mouths water in layered taste. Brown eyes symbol the chestnut horse's gate, wild and free and untamed in its natural state. Brown eyes are the color of nurturing, soft passion, and a color taken for granted by those too picky.

The color of brown eyes remind me of mountain terrain and nature, something subtle, but beautiful in every form and season .Brown eyes make me think of Devil's cake, taunting and tempting, curtained by black lashes, the symbol of rich seduction. When brown eyes delve in love, they become the color of a leather book, promising a story of loyalty, long-life, and devotion .His brown eyes remind me of mysterious secrets, dark to cover the pain of ignorance, opaque to cover to want of another.

Blue eyes are like swimming pools; there's a shallow end & a deep end but you can always see the bottom & you're relatively safe. Drownings still occur, of course, but they're usually seen as surprises. Who drowns in their own swimming pool? But brown eyes are like underground lakes; once you turn the lights out, you can't see anything. It could be 2 feet or 200 feet or even 2,000 feet deep, who knows? And if you jump in, it's with the knowledge that no one will be there to save you; if you drown, no one will be there to know. But less people die in cave lakes than in their backyard swimming pools.

As someone once said,

"No one just has brown eyes.

They have eyes like fat, glossy November conkers.

Eyes with the warm, sugary brown of coffee.

Eyes like chocolate icing, reminding of home.

Eyes like tree trunks, detailed and ageless.

Eyes of earth, unshakable."

I could not agree more.

Brown eyes, the most common color but even then each and every one of them told a different story.
It isn't the eyes color that makes a person attractive it is the story told in them.

My Love, My Sunshine (Chanlix)[ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now