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It's beautiful, I thought, looking at Felix and the fireplace in front of them.

We were here with their friends, Jisung my house mate, Minho Jisung's boyfriend and Felix's brother, Felix, Hyunjin who Felix met at the local café and his boyfriend Changbin.
We were gathered around the fireplace.

Fireplace is their own tiny sun for the evening, casting long shadows over the rug. The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood. It's so good to feel their warmth at last, even if is from only one direction.

For the first time in years, the fireplace had come to use. Sometimes Christmas was spent alone in loneliness in this house for me, Jisung went home to celebrate, I would be left alone no parents around, I had lost them what could I expect.

But this year was different, Felix and Minho were here to celebrate, Jisung was here too and our friends were here, as some people would have said "the whole gang is here".

The feeling of having friends and someone you love to spend time with you is beautiful.
My friends are not the perfect, or the neat or the tidy..my friends are those with enough love in their hearts to fight for and defend what is right and good. So come with those frayed edges and scratches, because what counts is still holds a steady rhythm within.

And of course the guy I am in a relationship with, my lover Felix.

This relationship, should be a relation-ship, or a kinship - something that makes us family. I want it to be something that unites our friends, our relations, and not become as a boat cast adrift away from those we know and love.

Falling in love with him was like entering a house and finally realizing I'm home. When he smiles at me I feel invisible hands wrapping around me making me feel safe. When his eyes are locked on mine, it's like I can see galaxies instead of just pupils.

Having him in my life makes me feel like everything's possible in this world, like I can conquer anything. I don't regret meeting him and I know he might be my first but what I really wish in life is for him to be my last.

This all probably seems like big talk to you all considering I have only date him for a month, but I can't control nor stop my heart from feeling like this every time he is around.

He is the sweetest melody on these eyes and ears. I could wrap myself up in his words and sleep more soundly than a baby. I guess that's attraction but it feels so deep, as if this were the start of a song that plays on and on, something so soothing to my soul.

For me he is more beautiful than the winter sun above pristine snow; He is warmer than spring sunshine on soft new grass; he is more mesmerizing than the fall leaves. Yet for me what he truly is, is an eternal summer, for every day with him is perfect blue skies with love in the air. My attraction to him isn't because he is handsome, though he are, it is to his soul, to the wonderful person he is inside.

These feelings I have for him can't end until my body ceases to function and my soul is released for whatever comes after. I hope that somehow they are embedded into my soul that our love will endure. Even on my dark days my love for him rides underneath it all, keeping my mind from sinking into the mire that claimed me in the past. I know that however deep I fear I've fallen, he will be there like solid ground steady me, giving me time to climb back into positivity.

Happy is what I feel when he walks in the door, when I know for the rest of the evening he's all mine. It's not that he's fireworks and chatter; mostly he's so quiet, unwinding after a busy day. Just being near him lights me up inside, gives me a serenity I can never know without him being close. It's like the breaths I take aren't full when he's away, like the smiles I smile are incomplete somehow. Just lying next to him is my favorite place in the world. It's him that creates the warmth in my soul, him that fills me full of love and keeps the fire burning in my eyes. If that isn't happiness I don't know what is, so I'll let it be my own definition, the one I keep with me always.

"Hey do you like it?" Felix said cuddling closer to me, it seems that every couple right now were in their own small happy world.

"Yes I do like this" I replied, not wanting to look like I was not listening to him.

Unexpectedly, my hand drifted to his hip. It settled there and pulled him closer. He inhaled sharply. He was against my warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? He splayed his hand against it, intending to push me away, but instead he left it there. My breathing quickened as did his. I began nuzzling his neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. He urged himself to push away, but couldn't. His hand was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to mine. He was surprised to find his own lips parted. Our breaths mingled. My heart fluttered inside my chest. It was a delicate butterfly of a kiss.

Hello? Does this book feel rushed or something, please do tell if you like it or not, I'll try to change it accordingly.

My Love, My Sunshine (Chanlix)[ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now