Chapter 3

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I could feel her presence without having to turn around. I asked her if she would like some coffee, but I didn't get an answer, so I turned around and asked her again.

My breath hitched at the sight of her.

God she was so beautiful... She was simply stunning. She was also looking at me, with her mouth agape.

I could tell she was nervous, but something in her eyes, told me something different... Her eyes tells me, she feels it too. The pull...

Damn, it. I have never reacted this strongly towards any woman before. I've gotten so hard in a matter of seconds after seeing her.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Ok. So maybe I haven't been with anyone since my wife died, but hell ; I have always been in control. I have never been tempted, because I have not felt anything for any other woman, since my wife. Well, yes. I've been attracted to a few women, but none of them has made me interested enough to get a case of blue balls. Yet this woman standing in front of me has managed to do just that.

Damn it, I scolded myself. You're interviewing her to be your daughter's nanny and nothing else.

I can't hire her. Shit. I can't have her walking around my house like a fucking temptation. But fuck. She's not just beautiful. She's got brains too. She's the full package.

Looking at her resume, I was really impressed. She's achieved a lot at the age of 24. A degree in Early Childhood Education and a degree in Psychology.

Fuck. If I thought my dick couldn't get any harder, I was wrong. I could feel her intense gaze at me, while she's waiting for me to say something. Shit. I have to find someone else for the job, no matter how qualified she is for the job.

I told her that, I was quite impressed with her achievements, and she went on and on about how she has always adored kids... and fuck me, all I could do was stare at her delectable mouth; what her mouth would taste like on my mouth; how her mouth would feel around my dick.

Then she stopped talking, noticing that I was simply staring at her. She apologized for talking too much. I simply nodded. She doesn't need to know that I was fantasizing about her mouth.

Damn it. I can't have this. I have to get her out of here before I completely lose it and grab her and kiss her senseless.

"Well, Ms. Canzano, I don't think you're right for this job. I mean you're over-qualified. I don't think it's right for you to waste your education, when all I require is someone to watch over my daughter. You know, play with her, and do what kids her age do. I mean she's only three, she's not a toddler or special. She just needs supervision," I said.

Her face changed. Her eyes glowed with determination and pride. She spoke with full conviction and confidence. She explained to me that being overqualified is more then reason for me to hire her, because she would be able to do so much more for my daughter.

She was right of course, but I won't admit that to her. I stayed firm and told her that her skills will be better off somewhere else. I knew she wasn't happy and maybe I was a little harsh, but fuck me if I let my libido win over reason.

I shook my head, the woman even talked about me saving money, because I didn't have to have someone come-in to teach my daughter preschool stuff. I chuckled. As if I need to save.

In the end, she thanked me for my time and told me that she hopes I find the one I was looking for. Somehow, it felt like she wasn't talking about a nanny for my daughter. For some reason, it felt as if she was talking about me...about finding... I shook my head.

Just Tell Me You Love Me (Book 1 in the Just Series) *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now