Chapter 1

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3 years later...


Thank god my meeting ended earlier than expected. As I make my way to my daughter's room to surprise her, I heard her nanny's voice yelling at her. I could hear my daughter's cries from the hall.

I immediately became alarmed and grew angry. I burst inside the room and caught her nanny Sandra yelling at her, while holding her arms, shaking her roughly

"What the hell is going on? What do you think you're doing to my daughter?" I yelled at Sandra.

Sandra looked like s dear caught in the headlights, while my daughter looked shocked and relieved to see me. She immediately ran to my side, and hid behind my legs, sobbing.

Sandra's face paled. Fear was written all over her face.

"Mr. Anastasi...I was just trying to soothe her and stop her from crying..."

"Do I look like a fool to you?" I growled at her. "I heard you yelling at her from the hallway, and I come in here and I see you grabbing my daughter by her arms, shaking her," I said in a menacing tone.

I walked over to the intercom and called my housekeeper Mrs. Garcia. "Mrs. Garcia, please come to Emelia's room with all of Ms. Jamison's things right away."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"Ms. Jamison, I do not tolerate violence in my home. You had no right to raise your voice nor hurt my daughter. If you had any concerns, you should have informed me. My daughter is just a child. I, her own father has never laid a finger, nor yelled at her, so what makes you think you have the right to do so?"

"Mr. Anastasi, I'm so sorry, I assure you, it will not happen again," she said and I interrupt her before she could continue.

"You are damn right it won't happen again, because you are fired. I will also be filing a report against you. You are lucky that I am not calling the police right this second, but I swear to you, you will never work in this field ever again. Not after this. The agency will know about this incident and I will let them deal with you. I want you out of my house immediately."

She tried to say something but I stopped her, "Don't bother ms. Jamison."

Right at that moment, Mrs. Garcia entered the room. I turned to her and said, "please escort Ms. Jamison out of my house."

She simply nodded, seeming pleased to be rid of Ms. Jamison.

Once they have left the room, I kneeled down in front of my daughter, cupped her face, and wiped her tears.

"I'm so sorry my angel.'s okay, she won't be able to hurt you again," I said to her trying to soothe her.

It's so hard to stay calm when I'm so angry at her nanny, but most of all myself, for not knowing what was happening with my own daughter.

"I'm sowy Daddy. I was bwad. I bwoke the pwicture fwame, but it was an accident," she said pointing to the broken frame on the floor by her dresser.

I shook my head, "It's okay baby. It was an accident. You were not bad. What your nanny did to you was bad and wrong. Nobody should ever hit you, or any child for that matter, okay? The next time someone tries to hurt you, you have to tell daddy right away okay?"

She nodded her head.

"No one has the right to hurt you. Okay principessa?"

She sniffed and nodded.

I tilt her chin up, and wiped her tears away. "Hey, il mia piccola. It's okay. Daddy's not mad at you," I said trying to soothe her.

She sniffed again and wiped her eyes and nose with her little hand. I smiled at her and said, "that's better il mia piccola. Now will you give daddy a smile?"

Just Tell Me You Love Me (Book 1 in the Just Series) *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now