Chapter 1: The Mistake

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Elced Johnson swirled the brown alcohol in his cup, debating the decision proposed to him by the older man before him. 

This was his big chance, he knew he'd never get an opportunity like this again.

"Well, what is your answer Elced? Do we have a deal?"

Elced hesitated before raising his glass to his lips and downing the bitter substance, he coughed before speaking. 

"You're offering me the money to start my company, that is over £2 million I hope you know…"

The man chuckled darkly, taking a swig of his own alcohol. 

"I know Elced, I know, but how long have we worked together? I like the sound of your business idea, and I trust you. I know you won't let me down".

Elced frowned.

"But still, this is an awful big deal you're offering me. What do you get out of it, partnership? Money? What is it you want Janus?"

Janus smirked. 

"So are you interested in my proposal?"

Elced's frown deepened. 

"You're being cocky now Janus, this type of behavior may work on your more foolish clients, but I've worked with you for almost 10 years now, your tricks don't work on me".

"Ah, you are a clever one aren't you Elced, I knew it was a good idea to pick you as my apprentice all those years ago. Now, back to your previous question…what do I want from you? Asking for money right now would be a waste…"

Elced blushed and ducked his head slightly, he hadn't grown up in the best conditions and even now money was still tight for him, hence why he had approached Janus about a loan.

"…though I suppose once your business is up and running you could pay me back…though there would be no profit for me. Hm…I wonder…"

"What is it?" Elced asked, sounding skeptical as he stared at the devious look on his mentors face.

"Your first born child. In return for me fronting you the money to start the business, I want your first born child!"

The silence in their small booth was painful as Janus stared at Elced expectantly, it had taken all Elced's restraint not to spit his drink into Janus' face.

"E-excuse me? My first born child? Isn't that…a bit…medieval?" he said, wondering what on Earth could cause him to ask such a ridiculous request. Janus merely waved his hand nonchalantly,

"I have my reasons Elced, either you give up your first born child, or you forfeit the money to start your company. The decision is yours".

Elced leaned back in his chair, not even believing that he was seriously considering the offer. Giving up his first born child was a big request, but, he reasoned with himself, he wasn't in a relationship. 

He had no immediate plans to have children, and even if he suddenly found himself in a relationship he would simply make it clear to the woman that under no circumstances were they to have children. He had never been a man to fall in love and the idea of meeting a woman that would make him fall so hard was preposterous to him. 

Besides, if he didn't accept the money from Janus now, he probably wouldn't have another chance. He grinned to himself as he extended his hand to shake Janus, this was perfect, the way this was going he wouldn't have to owe Janus a single penny!

"You have yourself a deal Janus old friend!"

Not two years later Elced Johnson fell in love. 

Not with one of his secretaries. Not with the woman who checked him in at the hotels he stayed at. Not any of his neighbors. 

He fell in love with a Princess. Kyla Krystal Princess of Liorore. It baffled him, but for some reason she fell in love with him as well. All thoughts of the agreement he made with Janus was pushed out of his head. 

They were married within 6 months of meeting each other. Two years later, Kyla fell pregnant and like an ominous crack of thunder, Elced suddenly remembered the agreement and he felt his whole world crashing down on him.

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