Chapter 15: Like

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"Eh heh, isn't this a bit short?" Althea asked worriedly as she twisted and turned in her full length mirror. 

"I mean…it doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?"

Jess and Nala had tipped out the large bag full of clothes for Althea and had eventually forced an outfit onto the brunette princess. It was simple outfit, just a simple blue pleated skirt along with a white tunic and a blue vest on top. 

She couldn't help but blush as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, the skirt was incredibly short and the tunic strained against her rather large breasts. 

Never had she imagined wearing such provocative clothing. As a child she was always kept in prim and proper dresses that covered practically every inch of her tiny body, and when she had been put to sleep she had been kept in those sort of style of dresses. Wearing a dress that didn't come down to her ankles was a new experience for her. 

She snuck a glance at Jess who was snickering happily, she was wearing the type of dress Althea had assumed she would be given. It was a dark pink, very long, but was still stylish enough to leave a decent amount of cleavage showing. 

Nala wore a short long sleeve orange dress, but also wore a pair of black leggings to hide her legs. Compared to her two new companions, Lucy felt practically naked.

"Um, didn't you get me anything similar to your dress, Jess? Or even Nala's?"

Jess waved a dismissive hand. 

"What, of course not! My style would definitely not suit you, you're young after all…"

Althea raised an eyebrow, wondering just how much older Jessica was to herself.

"…anyway, you look fabulous in that outfit, it really suits you!"

"Yeah Thea-chan, I didn't know you had so many curves, I'm jealous!" Nala said with a sad smile on her face, being surrounded by women with such generous assets got a bit depressing after a while. 

Althea bit her bottom lip, trying to ignore the fact that essentially, both women were ogling her right now, and glanced back at her reflection in the mirror. She struck a pose.

"I…I guess…it doesn't look too bad," she admitted, her lips turning upwards in a small smirk, she had to agree that the clothes fit her perfectly and in the back of her mind, she sneakily admitted to herself that she did like the shortness of it all, it made her feel normal rather than a Princess locked away in the tower, though she would never admit this to anyone.

"You're gonna have all the guys going wild," Jess commented appreciatively.

"Not Onii-sama I hope…" a frosty voice called out, and they realized that Kaylene had taken this opportunity to walk back into the room.

"A-ah of course not!" Althea squeaked, waving her hands wildly in her front of her to avoid Kaylene's cold stare. 

"I don't want any attention from boys, I'm waiting for my Prince, remember? I mean…who else would I get it from? Steven?" she snorted his name, even if she wanted to get any sort of attention from Steven, she highly doubted he had the mental capacity to understand her flirting, he just didn't seem like the type to get those sort of things. Jess only wiggled her eyebrows,

"You never know…it's mainly just you and Steven, locked away in this far away castle together. Alone. Something's bound to happen!"

Althea was at a loss for words at Jess' insinuation and instead turned a bright shade of red and turned around quickly so they wouldn't be able to see her embarrassment.

"Hey Jess, stop teasing Thea-chan!" Levy scolded lightly. 

"Steven's great and everything, but she literally has Princes begging for her hand in marriage, why would she pick Steven?"

"He-Hey! Steven isn't that bad" Althea yelped as the words escaped her mouth before she could even think about it, she didn't even know where it had came from, but she suddenly felt an urge to defend the brown haired dragon boy.

"See! She does like him! She does!" Jess cheered happily, clapping her hands together. 

"Why else would she defend him so quickly, aah this is so romantic. The Princess and the Dragon, it's like some sort of Messed Up Fairy Tale. Oooh, you two would have such beautiful babi- oomph!"

Nala had wisely clamped her hand over Jess' rambling mouth and she shot Althea and apologetic look,

"Sorry Thea-chan, Jess likes to think of herself as some sort of matchmaker," she turned her attention back to Jess who at least had the decency to look sheepish. 

"Have you forgotten what happened last time you tried to play Cupid?"

Jess blushed and Kaylene began scowling. 

"That wasn't my fault! All the signs pointed that Kenneth liked Hiyol! They've been best friends since they were turned, it was misleading!"

"Dark times…dark, dark times," Kaylene began muttering. 

"Poor Onii-sama, I stayed by his side in the hospital for weeks!"

Althea's eyebrows rose at the mention of Hospital, and she wondered what on Earth had happened between Kenneth and Hiyol for him to end up in the Hospital.

"No more matchmaking," Nala said sternly.

"Thea-chan wants a Prince, not Steven".

Althea nodded in agreement.

"Fine, fine, fine," Jessica grumbled, though with a smile on her face. 

"Nobody ever lets me have my fun."

"Because more often that's not, it's not fun for anyone else! Anyway, shall we go find the boys and Hiyol, I'm starving," Nala said happily, hopping up from her seat and making her way to the door.

Althea followed the peppy green haired dragon, her thoughts still on her sudden outburst of defending Steven. 

Did she like him? She immediately shook that thought out of her mind, she barely knew the boy, liking him was impossible. 

She could barely tolerate him. Still, she knew she hadn't been lying when she said he wasn't that bad…sighing she shook all thoughts of him out of her mind.


Oooooh~ she defended him! Ain't that cute?

Hey guys! long time no update!

I was really busy with school stuff so that's why it's really delayed.

Well that's all for my explanation!


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